Η Καθημερινή μας ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 20 Μαϊου 2011 :
** Το πολύ και το καθόλου σκοτώνουν !
** Κεντρική πλατεία Καλαμάτας 19-5-2011 :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sadie-R7waM ,
*** Αγάπη πρώτα στο Θεό μας , μετά στον εαυτόν μας και τέλος στον εχθρό μας ! Κι άν περισεύει στα Ζώα και τα Φυτά μας !
~** http://www.youtube.com/stamos01 : 745 μεταφορτώσεις βίντεο .-
** AEI και ΤΕΙ
Νίκη της ΠΑΣΠ στα Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα
* Στις προχθεσινές φοιτητικές εκλογές, πρώτη δύναμη σε όλες τις σχολές του Πανεπιστημίου και του ΤΕΙ αναδείχθηκε η παράταξη της ΠΑΣΠ.
* Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία που μας δόθηκαν χθες από εκπροσώπους φοιτητικών παρατάξεων, τα αποτελέσματα έχουν ως εξής:
•Τμήμα Ιστορίας, Αρχαιολογίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών
Ψήφισαν: 183
Έγκυρα: 173
Άκυρα: 10
Λευκά: 3
ΠΑΣΠ: 97 ψήφοι - 4 έδρες
ΔΑΠ: 53 ψήφοι - 2 έδρες
ΠΚΣ: 20 ψήφοι - 1 έδρα
** •Τμήμα Φιλολογίας
Ψήφισαν: 158
Έγκυρα: 146
Άκυρα: 12
Λευκά: 2
ΠΑΣΠ: 84 ψήφοι - 4 έδρες
ΔΑΠ: 52 ψήφοι - 3 έδρες
ΠΚΣ: 6 ψήφοι
**** ΤΕΙ
* •Σχολή Τεχνολογίας
Ψήφισαν: 257
Έγκυρα: 250
Άκυρα: 7
Λευκά: 2
ΠΑΣΠ: 113 ψήφοι - 3 έδρες
ΠΚΣ: 74 ψήφοι - 2 έδρες
ΔΑΠ: 61 ψήφοι - 2 έδρες
** •Σχολή Διοίκησης και Οικονομίας
Ψήφισαν: 465
Έγκυρα: 454
Άκυρα: 11
Λευκά: 1
ΠΑΣΠ: 282 ψήφοι - 4 έδρες
ΔΑΠ: 114 ψήφοι - 2 έδρες
ΠΚΣ: 57 ψήφοι - 1 έδρα
** •Τμήμα Λογοθεραπείας
(Σχολή Επαγγελμάτων Υγείας)
Ψήφισαν: 67
Έγκυρα: 63
Άκυρα: 4
Λευκά: 0
ΠΑΣΠ: 38 ψήφοι - 4 έδρες
ΠΚΣ: 16 ψήφοι - 2 έδρες
ΔΑΠ: 8 ψήφοι - 1 έδρα
**Τριφυλία Ν. Μεσσηνίας
* Χωρίς αποτέλεσμα το Δ.Σ. για τις υπηρεσίες
* Πολύ μπλα-μπλα, αλλά στο τέλος τίποτα! Τίποτα ουσιαστικό, που να έχει πρακτική εφαρμογή, δε βγήκε από την προχθεσινή συνεδρίαση του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου Τριφυλίας, στην Κυπαρισσία, με ένα και μοναδικό θέμα: την «αποψίλωση του Δήμου Τριφυλίας από δημόσιες υπηρεσίες». Ούτε ψήφισμα, εξ όσων ακούσαμε και καταλάβαμε, εκδόθηκε, όπως στην αρχική του τοποθέτηση – εισήγηση ζήτησε ο δήμαρχος, λέγοντας πως το ψήφισμα (που «θα» εκδιδόταν) θα είχε αποδέκτες τον πρωθυπουργό, υπουργούς και πολιτικούς. Απλά, εκφράστηκε η αντίθεση στο κλείσιμο υπηρεσιών, αλλά ταυτόχρονα τονίστηκε και η αναγκαιότητα για την αναδιάρθρωση του δημόσιου τομέα, ενώ από πολλούς επισημάνθηκε πως ο Δήμος πρέπει να έχει προτάσεις!
** Κάστρο Ανδρούσας Μεσσηνίας
* Στην 26η ΕΒΑ η μελέτη αναστήλωσής του
* Στην 26η Εφορεία Βυζαντινών Αρχαιοτήτων πρόκειται να διαθέσει το Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο Μεσσήνης στη σημερινή του συνεδρίαση, αν υπάρξει συναίνεση, την οριστική μελέτη που έχει εκπονηθεί για την αναστήλωση του κάστρου της Ανδρούσας, που εγκρίθηκε το 2007 από τη Διεύθυνση Αναστήλωσης και Βυζαντινών και Μεταβυζαντινών Μνημείων.
* Ο Δήμος Μεσσήνης εξασφάλισε την ένταξη του έργου στο ΕΣΠΑ με 500.000 ευρώ και η πρόταση που θα συζητηθεί σήμερα, προβλέπει να διατεθεί η μελέτη στην 26η ΕΒΑ, προκειμένου αυτή με τη σειρά της να καταθέσει αίτημα χρηματοδότησης στην Ενδιάμεση Διαχειριστική Αρχή Πελοποννήσου της Αποκεντρωμένης Διοίκησης.
** Ο πρέσβης της Αμερικής μυστικά στην 120 ΠΕΑ
* Μαζί με ανώτατο αξιωματικό του ΝΑΤΟ για την υποδοχή της ΝΑΤΟϊκής δύναμης
* Ανώτατος αξιωματικός του ΝΑΤΟ, συνοδευόμενος από κλιμάκιο των συμμαχικών δυνάμεων και ο πρέσβης της Αμερικής στην Ελλάδα, Ντάνιελ Μπένετ Σμιθ, βρέθηκαν χθες για λίγες ώρες στις στρατιωτικές εγκαταστάσεις της 120 ΠΕΑ, με κύριο στόχο την επιθεώρησή τους για την τελική εγκατάσταση της ΝΑΤΟϊκής υποστηρικτικής δύναμης για τις επιχειρήσεις στη Λιβύη. Απ’ όλες τις πλευρές τηρήθηκε άκρα μυστικότητα για τη συγκεκριμένη επίσκεψη, ενώ το ίδιο ζητήθηκε και από πολιτικά πρόσωπα της Μεσσηνίας που παρευρέθησαν στη δεξίωση που παρατέθηκε εντός των εγκαταστάσεων της 120 ΠΕΑ.
** Ορκωμοσία στο ΚΕΔΒ
* Πανστρατιά Αρχών για να μην καταργηθεί το Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης Διαβιβάσεων στην Καλαμάτα
* Έντονη και ηχηρή ήταν η παρουσία όλων των Αρχών της Μεσσηνίας στη χθεσινή ορκωμοσία, ίσως μια από τις τελευταίες, αυτή των στρατιωτών της 2011 Β΄ ΕΣΣΟ του ΚΕΔΒ Καλαμάτας. Σε δηλώσεις τους, με το πέρας της τελετής, όπου οι νεοσύλλεκτοι ορκίστηκαν ότι θα φυλάττουν πίστη στην πατρίδα, υπακοή στους νόμους και τα ψηφίσματα του κράτους, οι εκπρόσωποι των Αρχών επανέλαβαν την αντίθεσή τους στο ενδεχόμενο αναστολής λειτουργίας του ΚΕΔΒ, θέμα που παραμένει ανοιχτό, καθώς αναμένονται οι σχετικές αποφάσεις της πολιτικής ηγεσίας του υπουργείου Εθνικής Άμυνας.
** Περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου
* Επίσκεψη Χούμπνερ & Επιτρόπου Γεωργίας
* Ειδική συνεδρίαση του Περιφερειακού Συμβουλίου Πελοποννήσου, παρουσία της πρώην Επιτρόπου της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και νυν προέδρου των Ευρωπαϊκών Περιφερειών κας Ντανούτα Χούμπνερ, θα πραγματοποιηθεί στα μέσα Ιουνίου, όπως ανακοίνωσε χθες ο περιφερειάρχης Πελοποννήσου Πέτρος Τατούλης.
* «Με αυτό τον τρόπο η Περιφέρεια Πελοποννήσου θα είναι η πρώτη της χώρας που θα ενταχθεί αυτόνομα και αυτοδύναμα στην Ένωση των Ευρωπαϊκών Περιφερειών. Αυτό το θεωρώ μεγάλο γεγονός, το οποίο θα έρθει να δέσει με την επίσκεψη μέχρι τα μέσα Σεπτεμβρίου του επιτρόπου από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση για την αγροτική οικονομία», παρατήρησε ο περιφερειάρχης.
**Μετά τους ισχυρισμούς του βουλευτή της ΝΔ, Π. Καμμένου
* «Για όσα ψευδή και συκοφαντικά δήλωσε εις βάρος μου ο βουλευτής κ. Π. Καμμένος, τόσο σε μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης όσο και από το βήμα της Βουλής, δηλώνω ότι θα προσφύγω άμεσα στη Δικαιοσύνη με σκοπό την υπεράσπιση κάθε νομίμου δικαιώματός μου».
* Στη δήλωση αυτή προέβη ο αδελφός του πρωθυπουργού, καθηγητής Ανδρέας (Αντρίκος) Παπανδρέου, με αφορμή ισχυρισμούς του βουλευτή της ΝΔ, σύμφωνα με τους οποίους ο κ. Παπανδρέου ενεπλάκη σε χρηματιστηριακές συναλλαγές που σχετίζονταν με το ελληνικό χρέος.
* Υπενθυμίζεται ότι ανάλογες κατηγορηματικές διαψεύσεις για τους ισχυρισμούς του Π. Καμμένου έγιναν και από άλλα πρόσωπα τα οποία ενέπλεξε στην ίδια υπόθεση ο κ. Καμμένος, όπως ο επιχειρηματίας Θ. Μαργάλος και η πρώην οικονομική σύμβουλος του πρωθυπουργού και εκπρόσωπος της Ελλάδας στο ΔΝΤ, Μιράντα
** 6η Υγειονομική Περιφέρεια
* Μια διοίκηση ανά νομό για τα νοσοκομεία
* Σε δηλώσεις του ο υποδιοικητής της 6ης Υγειονομικής Περιφέρειας Πελοποννήσου, Ιονίων Νήσων, Δυτικής Ελλάδας και Ηπείρου, Γιάννης Λαουδιάς, τόνισε ότι το Παναρκαδικό Νοσοκομείο πρέπει να αναβαθμιστεί. Σημείωσε, όμως, ότι θα επανεξεταστεί αν χρειάζεται να συνεχίσουν οι διπλές κλινικές στο νοσοκομείο, όπως οι δύο μαιευτικές, χειρουργικές, ορθοπαιδικές κλινικές, οι οποίες, όπως ανέφερε, έγιναν στο παρελθόν προκειμένου σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις να ικανοποιηθούν προσωπικές φιλοδοξίες και πελατειακές λογικές. Όποιες πραγματικά χρειάζονται, είπε, θα συνεχίσουν να υπάρχουν, ενώ οι άλλες θα συγχωνευτούν σε μία.
* Σχετικά με το Ψυχιατρικό Νοσοκομείο Τρίπολης, το οποίο καλύπτει ανάγκες από όλη την Πελοπόννησο, τη Δυτική Ελλάδα, αλλά ακόμα και την Πρέβεζα, ο κ. Λαουδιάς ανέφερε ότι ως τα τέλη του 2012 θα παύσει η λειτουργία του, ενώ σε όλα τα νοσοκομεία της Πελοποννήσου και της Δυτικής Ελλάδας θα αναπτυχθούν ψυχιατρικές κλινικές, οι οποίες θα υποδέχονται τα επείγοντα περιστατικά της κάθε περιοχής. Συγκεκριμένα, πολύ γρήγορα θα λειτουργήσει η ψυχιατρική κλινική στην Κόρινθο, χτίζεται στο νοσοκομείο Άργους, ήδη είναι έτοιμες οι μελέτες για την ψυχιατρική κλινική στα Νοσοκομεία Τρίπολης και Σπάρτης. Στο Νοσοκομείο Καλαμάτας είναι έτοιμη να λειτουργήσει, όπως στο Ρίο και στον Πύργο. Στο Αγρίνιο κατασκευάζεται νέο νοσοκομείο και περιλαμβάνει ψυχιατρική κλινική.
* Ο υποδιοικητής της 6ης ΥΠΕ υπογράμμισε ότι σε αυτές τις κλινικές οι ασθενείς θα παραμένουν κατά μέγιστο χρόνο νοσηλείας 22 ημέρες και μετά θα επιστρέφουν στο σπίτι τους. Σε ό,τι έχει να κάνει με τους ασυλικούς ασθενείς που υπάρχουν ήδη στο Ψυχιατρικό Νοσοκομείο της Τρίπολης, ανέφερε ότι είναι πολύ μικρός ο αριθμός και θα γίνει προσπάθεια από τις κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες να επανενταχθούν στην οικογένειά τους. Αν αυτό δεν καταστεί δυνατό, θα μεταφερθούν σε άσυλο ή σε δομές του προγράμματος Ψυχαργώ, που θα συνεχίσουν να υπάρχουν και θα ενισχυθούν.
* Σε ό,τι αφορά τους εργαζομένους του Ψυχιατρικού Νοσοκομείου, είπε ότι θα μεταταχθούν μέσω ΑΣΕΠ σε άλλες υπηρεσίες υγείας, ξεκαθαρίζοντας πως «δε θα διαλύσουμε οικογένειες» και κανείς δε θα χάσει τη δουλειά του, αφού ο χώρος της υγείας χρειάζεται προσωπικό.
* Επιπρόσθετα, ο κ. Λαουδιάς ανέφερε ότι στην Πελοπόννησο θα αναπτυχθεί μια δομή για ασθενείς της νόσου Αλτσχάιμερ, η οποία θα βρίσκεται έξω από νοσοκομειακή μονάδα, όμως δεν έχει ακόμα αποφασιστεί σε ποια πόλη θα φιλοξενηθεί.
* Επίσης, είπε ότι στο Νοσοκομείο Καλαμάτας αναπτύσσεται μονάδα απεξάρτησης του ΟΚΑΝΑ και στο Παναρκαδικό Νοσοκομείο Τρίπολης έχει αποφασιστεί η δημιουργία μονάδα απεξάρτησης κι αναζητούν χώρο για να λειτουργήσει.
* Όσον αφορά στα δύο νοσοκομεία της Αργολίδας, Ναυπλίου και Άργους, είπε ότι πρέπει να λειτουργήσουν ως ένα.
* Τέλος, ανέφερε ότι η πρόταση του καθηγητή Λιαρόπουλου είναι μία από τις τρεις προτάσεις που έχουν κατατεθεί και δεν έχει υιοθετηθεί από κανέναν. Ο κ. Λαουδιάς τόνισε ότι έχει ξεκινήσει ο διάλογος και περιμένουν στην Υγειονομική Περιφέρεια μέχρι τέλος του μήνα να κατατεθούν προτάσεις από όλους τους φορείς ανά νομό, τους δημάρχους, αντιπεριφερειάρχες και τον περιφερειάρχη, ενώ συμπλήρωσε ότι στις προθέσεις της 6ης ΥΠΕ είναι να υπάρχει μια διοίκηση ανά νομό για τα υπάρχοντα νοσοκομεία.
**Προαναγγελίες Μπιρμπίλη
* Ανοίγει δρόμο στην καύση απορριμμάτων
* Νέο εθνικό σχεδιασμό για τα σκουπίδια, που θα ολοκληρωθεί κατά το πρώτο τρίμηνο του 2012, προανήγγειλε προχθές η υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος Τ. Μπιρμπίλη στην ημερίδα για το νέο κοινοτικό πλαίσιο για τα απορρίμματα, διευκρινίζοντας ωστόσο ότι διατηρούνται οι χωροθετήσεις του 2003. Η υπουργός ενημέρωσε ότι σύντομα θα κατατεθεί στη Βουλή το σχέδιο νόμου που θα ενσωματώνει τη νέα οδηγία για τα απορρίμματα, η οποία έπρεπε να έχει ολοκληρωθεί ως τον περασμένο Δεκέμβριο. «Ο συνδυασμός όλων των γνωστών και δοκιμασμένων τεχνολογιών μπορεί να βρει εφαρμογή στην Ελλάδα», τόνισε, ανοίγοντας ουσιαστικά το κεφάλαιο «καύση».
* Όπως επισήμανε, η ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση των αποβλήτων πρέπει να βασίζεται στη γνωστή ιεράρχηση: πρόληψη, επαναχρησιμοποίηση, ανακύκλωση, ανάκτηση και ασφαλής διάθεση.
* Και συμπλήρωσε: «Ένα ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα διαχείρισης αποβλήτων περιλαμβάνει την εφαρμογή προγραμμάτων για τη βελτιστοποίηση του συστήματος συλλογής, τον περιορισμό της παραγωγής αποβλήτων, τη διαλογή στην πηγή, την ανακύκλωση των διαχωρισθέντων υλικών, τη χρήση μεθόδων επεξεργασίας, με στόχο την επαναχρησιμοποίηση των υλικών ή την ενεργειακή τους αξιοποίηση και τη διάθεση του τελικού υπολείμματος σε σύγχρονους χώρους υγειονομικής ταφής υπολειμμάτων (ΧΥΤΥ).
* Υπάρχουν πολλές κατάλληλες τεχνικές που διασφαλίζουν την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Η εφαρμογή τους, όμως, είναι θέμα οικονομίας, κοινωνίας και κατανάλωσης. Για την επιλογή της κατάλληλης κατά περίπτωση εφαρμογής, πρέπει να λαμβάνουμε υπόψη τις επικρατούσες τάσεις, καθώς και τη στάση ζωής στην οποία μας οδηγούν. Δεν υπάρχει βέλτιστη τεχνολογία για το σύνολο των περιπτώσεων διαχείρισης αποβλήτων, καθώς κάθε μία από αυτές παρουσιάζει μειονεκτήματα και πλεονεκτήματα, τα οποία πρέπει να λαμβάνονται υπόψη.
* Κρίσιμη παράμετρος σχεδιασμού είναι η ποιοτική και ποσοτική σύσταση των αποβλήτων, οι περιβαλλοντικοί στόχοι που συνδέονται με απαιτήσεις της ευρωπαϊκής νομοθεσίας, αλλά και ο βαθμός ανάπτυξης της αγοράς για την αξιοποίηση των προϊόντων (κομπόστ, ανακυκλώσιμα, δευτερογενές στερεό καύσιμο). Οι παράμετροι αυτοί επηρεάζουν σημαντικά την αποτελεσματικότητα της τεχνολογίας που θα επιλεχθεί, τόσο από οικονομική όσο και από τεχνική και περιβαλλοντική άποψη.
* Κάθε ολοκληρωμένη πολιτική για τη διαχείριση των απορριμμάτων, όμως, δεν αρκεί να καλύπτει το ζήτημα της διαλογής στην πηγή και της ανακύκλωσης των συσκευασιών, αλλά πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζει αποτελεσματικά και το θέμα της επεξεργασίας και εκτροπής από την ταφή των βιοαποδομήσιμων αποβλήτων, όπως δεσμευόμαστε από το κοινοτικό δίκαιο.
* Αυτό είναι αναγκαίο, διότι έτσι, αφενός, περιορίζονται πράγματι σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό τα απορρίμματα που οδηγούνται για τελική διάθεση με ταφή και, αφετέρου, τα υπολείμματα που -πάντα θα- προκύπτουν είναι πολύ πιο εύκολα, από την άποψη των χαρακτηριστικών τους, στη διαχείρισή τους.
* Για το λόγο αυτό, άλλωστε, η ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία θέτει για τα κράτη - μέλη συγκεκριμένους στόχους μείωσης των βιοαποδομήσιμων αποβλήτων που οδηγούνται για ταφή, όπως επίσης δε νοείται λειτουργία Χώρου Υγειονομικής Ταφής με απορρίμματα για τα οποία δεν προηγήθηκε κάποια μορφή επεξεργασίας».
* Εξαιρετικής ποιότητας τα νερά κολύμβησης
* Στη δημοσιότητα δόθηκε τις προηγούμενες ημέρες η έκθεση της Ειδικής Γραμματείας Υδάτων του υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος, Ενέργειας και Κλιματικής Αλλαγής στην οποία αξιολογούνται τα νερά κολύμβησης της χώρας για την περίοδο 2007-2010.
* Σύμφωνα με αυτή, τα αποτελέσματα για τις περισσότερες περιοχές της Μεσσηνίας είναι ιδιαίτερα καλά, αφού βαθμολογούνται ως «εξαιρετικής ποιότητας». Μοναδική… παραφωνία αποτελεί ένα κομμάτι στο νοτιοδυτικό άκρο του Νομού Μεσσηνίας, στο οποίο τα νερά κολύμβησης κρίνονται ως «καλής ποιότητας»
~*Περιφέρεια Πελοπονήσσου
* Ειδικό αναπτυξιακό νόμο ανακοίνωσε ο Τατούλης
* Επαφές με πολίτες και σύσκεψη με τους διευθυντές και τμηματάρχες των υπηρεσιών της Περιφερειακής Ενότητας Μεσσηνίας είχε χθες ο περιφερειάρχης Πελοποννήσου Πέτρος Τατούλης, κατά την επίσκεψή του στην Καλαμάτα. Μεταξύ άλλων, ανακοίνωσε ότι μέσα στους επόμενους δύο μήνες θα εγκατασταθεί το σύστημα ψηφιοποίησης της Περιφέρειας Πελοποννήσου, ενώ σε σχετικό ερώτημα, δεν απέκλεισε το ενδεχόμενο, αν απαιτηθεί, να γίνει μετακίνηση υπαλλήλων μεταξύ περιφερειακών ενοτήτων.
~* Ρίξτε τες στη «μάχη» κατά της χοληστερόλης
* Κόκκινες ντομάτες. Υπάρχουν σε κάθε ελληνική κουζίνα. Ωμές, ψημένες, σε μορφή σάλτσας, σε σαλάτες, σε κοκκινιστά, στην πίτσα.
* Σύμφωνα με τους επιστήμονες οι ψητές ντομάτες μπορεί να αποβούν το ίδιο ωφέλιμες όσο οι στατίνες για τη μείωση της χοληστερίνης ή της αρτηριακής πίεσης.
* Δύο κουταλιές πάστα ντομάτας ή μισό λίτρο τοματοχυμός αρκούν. Το μυστικό κρύβεται στα υψηλά επίπεδα λυκοπενίου, που περιέχεται στις ντομάτες και τους προσδίδει το έντονο κόκκινο χρώμα τους.
* Το λυκοπένιο είναι ισχυρό αντιοξειδωτικό και κάνει πολύ καλό στην υγεία μας καθώς μειώνει τον κίνδυνο εμφάνισης καρδιακών επεισοδίων.
~* Για την καλή υγεία των οστών σας
* Τα οστά αναπτύσσονται και αποκτούν μέγιστο μήκος και οστική πυκνότητα ως το 18-23 έτος της ηλικίας μας. Στη συνέχεια, μέχρι την ηλικία των 30-35 ετών διατηρούν σταθερή την πυκνότητα τους, ενώ μετά ξεκινά η ελάττωση της.
* Κρίσιμη είναι η μέση ηλικία και για τις γυναίκες η ηλικία μετά την εμμηνόπαυση όπου παρατηρείται αυξημένη ελάττωση της οστικής πυκνότητας σε συνδυασμό με αυξημένη οστεοκλαστική δραστηριότητα, που οδηγεί στη διάσπαση της οστικής μάζας.
* Κατά συνέπεια τα οστά γίνονται πιο εύθραυστα και ευπαθή σε κατάγματα, κυρίως του καρπού, της σπονδυλικής στήλης και του ισχίου. Αυτή η παθολογική κατάσταση των οστών, ονομάζεται οστεοπόρωση. Παρατηρείται ότι τουλάχιστον 1 στις 3 γυναίκες στην ηλικία της εμμηνόπαυσης πάσχει από από οστεοπενία ή οστεοπόρωση.
* Στο σημείο αυτό θα γίνει αναφορά σε διατροφικούς και μη διατροφικούς παράγοντες που προστατεύουν τα οστά μας από την οστεοπόρωση.
** Μη διατροφικοί παράγοντες
* - Άσκηση με αντιστάσεις: Συνίσταται η άσκηση με βάρη ή λάστιχα ή το ίδιο το σώμα ως αντίσταση για 20-35 λεπτά, 3-4 φορές στην εβδομάδα. Είναι προτιμότερο τέτοιου είδους άσκηση να ξεκινά στην εφηβεία, όπου αναπτύσσονται τα οστά, έτσι ώστε να αποκτήσουν τη μέγιστη δυνατή οστική πυκνότητα.
* - Αποφυγή του καπνίσματος: Το κάπνισμα συντελεί στην μείωση της συγκέντρωσης των οιστρογόνων στις γυναίκες και κατά συνέπεια στη μείωση της οστικής πυκνότητας.
* - Προσοχή στη χρήση στεροειδών: Χρήση κορτιζόνης μόνο όταν κρίνεται απαραίτητο γιατί μακροπρόθεσμα μπορεί να οδηγήσει στην οστεοπενία.
** Διατροφικοί παράγοντες
* - Επαρκής λήψη ασβεστίου: Το ασβέστιο αποτελεί βασικό δομικό συστατικό των οστών. Το 99% του ασβεστίου στον οργανισμό μας βρίσκεται στα οστά και στα δόντια. Η συνιστώμενη ημερήσια πρόσληψη είναι 1000-1500mg και μπορεί να καλυφθεί από την κατανάλωση τριών πηγών ασβεστίου ημερησίως (250γρ γιαούρτι ή ένα ποτήρι γάλα ή 45γρ τυρί αντιστοιχούν σε μια μερίδα γαλακτοκομικού).
* - Για όσους δεν αγαπούν τα γαλακτοκομικά ή πάσχουν από δυσανεξία στη λακτόζη, εναλλακτικές πηγές ασβεστίου είναι τα μικρά ψάρια όταν τρώγονται με τα κόκαλα, η σόγια, τα αμύγδαλα, το σουσάμι και το σπανάκι.
* - Παράγοντες που οδηγούν στη δυσαπορρόφηση του ασβεστίου είναι η καφεΐνη, η πρωτεΐνη, οι φυτικές ίνες, το αλάτι (>4γρ ημερησίως) και το αλκοόλ γι’ αυτό χρειάζεται μέτρο στην κατανάλωση τους.
* - Μαγνήσιο: Το μαγνήσιο συμμετέχει στην αύξηση της οστικής πυκνότητας. Η συνιστώμενη ημερήσια δόση είναι 300-400mg και βρίσκεται σε τροφές όπως τα πράσινα φυλλώδη λαχανικά, η μπανάνα, το αβοκάντο και η σόγια.
* - Βιταμίνη D: Η βιταμίνη D παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στο μεταβολισμό των οστών και τη λειτουργία των μυών που περιβάλλουν τα οστά. Μειωμένη πρόσληψη της σχετίζεται με σαρκοπενία.
* - Συντίθεται με την επαφή του δέρματος με την ηλιακή ακτινοβολία.
* - Η συνιστώμενη ημερήσια πρόσληψη της είναι 15μg ημερησίως με τις νέες συστάσεις του 2010 ενώ το 2001 η συνιστώμενη πρόσληψη ήταν 10μg ημερησίως.
* - Βρίσκεται σε ελάχιστες τροφές σε επαρκή δόση για να καλύψουμε τις ημερήσιες ανάγκες μας χωρίς να έχουμε και την σύνθεση της με την επίδραση της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας. Αυτές είναι τα λιπαρά ψάρια (σολομός, τόνος, σκουμπρί, σαρδέλες) και το συκώτι.
* - Βιταμίνη Κ: Συμβάλλει στην επιμετάλλωση των οστών μαζί με τη βιταμίνη D. Η σύσταση για πρόσληψη είναι 1,5mg ημερησίως. Βρίσκεται στα πράσινα φυλλώδη λαχανικά (μπρόκολο, ρόκα, μαρούλι), στο γιαούρτι, το συκώτι και τη μπύρα.
~* Εσείς πόσο γεμίζετε το πιάτο σας
* Σημαντικό κομμάτι σε μία ισορροπημένη διατροφή είναι το σωστό μέγεθος της μερίδας.
** Η μερίδα του εστιατορίου είναι η ποσότητα που πρέπει να τρώω και στο σπίτι μου.
* Στην εποχή μας, όταν αναφερόμαστε στη μερίδα, οι περισσότεροι από εμάς σκέφτονται τη μερίδα εστιατορίου. Αυτό, όμως, δεν σημαίνει ότι είναι και η κατάλληλη, τόσο γιατί η μερίδα διαφέρει από εστιατόριο σε εστιατόριο όσο και γιατί, σύμφωνα με μελέτη, οι μερίδες στα εστιατόρια είναι δύο έως και τέσσερεις φορές μεγαλύτερες από το κανονικό μέγεθος.
* Απλώς σκεφθείτε ότι μία μερίδα πατάτες τηγανητές είναι μόλις 10 πατάτες και όχι όλο το πιάτο του εστιατορίου ή το μπωλ του ταχυφαγείου, ενώ μια πραγματική μερίδα μακαρόνια χωράει μέσα σε ένα φλιτζάνι του τσαγιού∙ συνεπώς, δεν έχει καμία σχέση με το βαθύ πιάτο που σερβίρουν στο εστιατόριο.
** Η τελευταία μπουκιά είναι όλη η δύναμη.
* Αυτή η έκφραση των παππούδων μας είναι απλώς άλλος ένας μύθος. Όταν έχουμε χορτάσει, θα πρέπει να σταματάμε, ακόμα και εάν έχει περισσέψει φαγητό στο πιάτο μας. Για ορισμένους ανθρώπους, κυρίως παχύσαρκους, είναι ίσως δύσκολο να καταλάβουν πότε χόρτασαν και γι' αυτόν τον λόγο απαιτείται εκπαίδευση.
** Αν η τροφή είναι «υγιεινή» μπορώ να καταναλώσω όση ποσότητα θέλω.
* Ακόμα και πολύ υγιεινές τροφές, όπως για παράδειγμα τα φρούτα και τα λαχανικά, αν τα καταναλώσουμε σε πολύ μεγάλες ποσότητες, μπορούν να μας φορτώσουν με επιπλέον θερμίδες άρα και με περιττά κιλά. Ας μη ξεχνάμε ότι και οι αγελάδες «αθώο» χορταράκι τρώνε!
** Μένω νηστικός όλη την ημέρα και τρώω το βράδυ διπλή μερίδα. Θα πάρω βάρος.
* Δεν υπάρχει καμία επιστημονική βάση ότι σε υγιή άτομα η κατανάλωση βραδινού γεύματος οδηγεί σε αύξηση του βάρους. Η ρύθμιση του βάρους εξαρτάται αποκλειστικά από το θερμιδικό ισοζύγιο, δηλαδή πόσες θερμίδες τρώμε και πόσες καταναλώνουμε. Έτσι, η διπλή μερίδα βραδινού θα αυξήσει το βάρος, μόνο εάν θερμιδικά υπερβαίνει τη συνιστώμενη ημερήσια πρόσληψη.
** Η συσκευασία μια τροφής σημαίνει και μερίδα.
* Όχι πάντα. Στα συσκευασμένα τρόφιμα πρέπει πάντα να ελέγχουμε τη συνιστώμενη μερίδα, γιατί πολλές φορές ολόκληρη η συσκευασία αντιστοιχεί σε περισσότερες από μία μερίδες.
* Γνωρίζετε ότι σύμφωνα με μελέτη που δημοσιεύτηκε στο American Journal of Preventive Medicine, μεγαλύτερο πιάτο οδηγεί σε κατανάλωση μεγαλύτερης ποσότητας φαγητού; Μάλιστα, είναι ενδεικτικό ότι, από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας ‘90, το πιάτο του σερβιρίσματος αυξήθηκε από 25 σε 30 περίπου εκατοστά.
* Από έρευνα που διεξήγαγε το medNutrition, σε δείγμα του πληθυσμού της Αθήνας, φάνηκε πώς:
* Οι περισσότεροι Αθηναίοι (61%) δεν αφήνουν φαγητό στο πιάτο τους, ακόμα και όταν έχουν χορτάσει.
* Το 65% των ερωτηθέντων πιστεύει ότι το σερβίρισμα σε μεγαλύτερο πιάτο οδηγεί και σε μεγαλύτερη κατανάλωση φαγητού.
* Οι μερίδες στα gourmet εστιατόρια, παρόλο που στην πραγματικότητα είναι οι συνιστώμενες, φαντάζουν για τους περισσότερους πολύ μικρές.
* Η πλειοψηφία των ερωτηθέντων γνωρίζουν ποια είναι η συνιστώμενη μερίδα για κάθε τρόφιμο, ωστόσο συνηθίζουν να σερβίρουν πολλαπλάσιες ποσότητες.
* Η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία απάντησε πως πρέπει να πίνουμε χυμούς άφοβα, με την αιτιολογία ότι δεν παχαίνουν.
* Το 64,3% απάντησε ότι ποτέ δεν διαβάζει την αναγραφόμενη μερίδα στις συσκευασίες τροφίμων. Όσοι την διαβάζουν, το κάνουν κυρίως στα τρόφιμα που έχουν περισσότερες θερμίδες και λιπαρά (π.χ. γλυκά, πατατάκια, κ.ά.).-
* To 55,3% δεν χρησιμοποιεί καμία μεζούρα στο ελαιόλαδο, καθώς θεωρεί ότι είναι εξαιρετικά ωφέλιμο για την υγεία.
*** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2011/05/1-2011.html , 1η Μαΐου 2011 –Πρωτομαγιά .- (51) .-
~** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2011/05/2-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της , Στο αγιάζι ενημέρωσης Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2011 .- (52).-
~* http://httpdimmetoparfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/3-2011.html Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011 .- (31) .-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/3-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2011 .- ( 45).-
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/4-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της ενημέρωσης Τετάρτη 4 Μαΐου 2011 .- (63).-
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/5-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Πέμπτη 5 Μαΐου 2011 .- (102).-
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/6-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 6 Μαΐου 2011 .- (59).-
~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/7-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Σάββατο 7 Μαϊου 2011 .- (140).-
~** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/8-2011.html , ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΗ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ 8 ΜΑΙΟΥ 2011 *
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2011/05/9-2011.html , Ενημέρωση της Δευτέρας 9 Μαϊου 2011 * .- (22).-
~** http://vlasisarfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/h-k-10-2011.html , H Kαθημερινή μας ενημέρωση Τρίτη 10 Μαΐου 2011 , Αρρεβώνες Βλάση-Ελένης Σάββατο , 7-5-2011 , ,(46) .-
~** http://dimmetoparfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/12-2011.html , Στο αγιάζι της Ενημέρωσης Πέμπτη , 12 Μαϊου 2011 .- (49).-
~** http://snsarfara-stamos-dynami.blogspot.com/2011/05/14-2011.html , Στην Ενημέρωση του Σαββάτου 14 Μαϊου 2011 .- (52).-
~** http://snsstamoskal.blogspot.com/2011/05/15-2011.html , Η Ενημέρωση της Κυριακής 15 Μαϊου 2011 .-
~** http://arfara-kalamata-greece.blogspot.com/2011/05/blog-post.html , Η Ιστορία του χωριού ΑΡΦΑΡΑ ΜΕΣΣΗΝΙΑΣ .- (7).-
~** http://httpdimmetoparfarablogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/e-16-2011.html , Eνημέρωση της Δευτέρας 16 Μαϊος 2011 .- (31) .-
~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/16-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Δευτέρα 16 Μαρτίου 2011 . (140).-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/h-17-2011.html , H Καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Τρίτη 17 Μαϊου 2011 .- (46).-
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/17-2011.html , (64). - Η Καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Τρίτη 17 Μαϊου 2011 .-
~** http://vlasiosarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/h-18-2011.html , H καθημερινή μας ενημέρωση Τετάρτη 18 Μαϊου 2011 .- (140).-
~** http://arfara-messinia-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/19-2011.html , Η καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Πέμπτη 19 Μαϊου 2011 .- (103).-
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/20-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 20 Μαϊου 2011 .- (60).-
~** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/20-2011.html , Η Καθημερινή μας ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 20 Μαϊου 2011 * .- (97).-
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos.blogspot.com/2011/05/20-2011.html , Στην καθημερινή μας Ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 20 Μαϊου 2011 .- (60).-
~** http://snsarfara.blogspot.com/2011/05/20-2011.html , Η Καθημερινή μας ενημέρωση Παρασκευή 20 Μαϊου 2011 * .- (97).-
~** http://arfara-messinias-stamos-2010.blogspot.com/2011/05/21-22-2011.html , Σαββατο-Κύριακο 21 και 22 Μαϊου 2011 * ( 22).-
~** http://stamos-stamoskalsnsblogspotcom.blogspot.com/2011/05/blog-post.html , Ελεύθερες σκέψεις , ενημερώσεις , ....Ειδήσεις .- ( 47).-
~* Γειά σου stamos1
ο artprofileproduction σου έστειλε το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον πίνακα σου
** http://musttv.blogspot.co/...
Για να απαντήσεις στο μήνυμα του ακολούθα τον σύνδεσμο:
* http://www.sync.gr/artprofileproduction/
~* Η Eliza Maniati επίσης σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία της Eleni Benetatos.
Η Eliza έγραψε: "~~~~~~~~~ lovely mou !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Για να δείτε όλα τα σχόλια, ακολουθείστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:
http://www.facebook.com/n/?photo.php&fbid=10150177376274799&set=a.10150177376264799.315511.541344798&type=1&mid=4408426G56358b7cG2c0d88aG10&bcode=R1ugql5A&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com .- Ευχαριστούμε, Η Ομάδα του Facebook
~* Greed and Enlightened self-interest
* Greed is part of what Adam Smith called "enlightened self-interest (ESI)." According to ESI, if everybody does what's good for them and them alone, the market works best, which is also a way of saying the greatest good for the greatest number.
According to this scheme, greed is good when you need it to buy a good
investment which has risks. When the risks outweigh the greed, you sell it. That's how the world works best, whether you are buying stocks, bonds, running a business, selling bananas, or hiring or firing employees. So I wouldn't hire Jesus as your stock broker.
- Roger Revolt against kleptocracy and taxation now!
* http://venitism.blogspot.com .-
~* Ο χρήστης Thanos Kapetanios δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας.
View This Wall Post .- http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2092458998177&id=1446349692
~*Γεια σας, Stamatios, Η Eleni Benetatos σχολίασε τον σύνδεσμό σας.
* Η Eleni έγραψε: ".♥KALHSPERA STAMATI MOY♥ .. (\ /)..*•*♥*•*..(\ /) .. ( . .)♥•**•**•♥(. . )! .o(")(")̴̡ (¯`♥´¯) (")(")o """""""""`*.¸.*´""KALO S/K NA EXEIS FILARAKI MOY ME THN OIKOGENIA SOY!!!!!!!! FILAKIAAAAA KATAPRASINAAAAA APO TO CHICAGO" .- ** http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=227599040589980&id=1446349692 .-
*** Ελένη μου , ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΣΟΥ ΠΟΛΛΑ με Χίλιες καταπράσινες Ευχές για την αυριανή ονομαστική σου εορτή !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Σταμάτης από Καλαμάτα !
~*Η Eleni Benetatos σχολίασε τη φωτογραφία σας. Η Eleni έγραψε:"KALHSPERA STAMATI MOY GLYKIE!!!!!!! SE EUXARHSTW PARA POLH GIA THS EUXES SOY KAI ESY NA EISAI PANTA KALA ME THN OMORFH OIKOGENIA SOY!!!!!!!!! FILAKIAAAAAAA KATAPRASINAAAAA APO TO CHICAGO" Για να δείτε όλα τα σχόλια, ακολουθείστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο: http://www.facebook.com/n/?photo.php&fbid=2091996906625&set=p.2091996906625&type=1&mid=4405835G56358b7cG2c0c251G9&bcode=R1ugql5A&n_m=stamoskal%40windowslive.com Ευχαριστούμε,Η Ομάδα του Facebook
~* Ο/Η Poppi Tanakou έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του http://www.facebook.com/l/32a4ftmdYVg7icOvPzXvcpLXqgg/www.e-magazino.gr .
* Poppi Tanakou20 Μάιος 2:48 μ.μ.
Θέμα: Mpeite oloi :D
* http://www.facebook.com/pages/%CE%9B%CE%B5%CF%86%CF%84%CE%AC-%CF%85%CF%80%CE%AC%CF%81%CF%87%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BD/173917969304193
Barroso admits that we are facing an unprecedented challenge in Fourth Reich because - for the first time - we are facing the issue of sovereign debt inside an economic and monetary union. This is unprecedented, uncharted territory, and so requires some intellectual humility. And to understand the dimension of the challenge, we have to adapt progressively to matters that we have not known before.
Fourth Reich(EU) is an illegal confederation that has no voted constitution, a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a Fuehrer no one can name, a parliament of prostitutes, a capital of huge bureaucracy no one controls, a currency that soon will not exist, rules of fiscal behavior that no member has been penalized for ignoring, a commission which is the Eldorado of corruption, brutal cybercops, and kleptocrats galore! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Barroso points out a new economic governance, coupled with structural reforms and more intensive policy coordination, will stabilise the foundations of Europe's economy and internal cohesion. The European Commission will come at beginning of next month with country specific recommendations, with a new system of governance that will hopefully be adopted by the Member States. In a collective, giant exercise, we hope to give precise recommendations of a binding nature to each country of Fourth Reich, precisely recognising the differences between them. This is completely new. When you look at debt at the European level, it compares favourably to the situation in the other parts of the world.
Fourthreichian monetary unification is the Trojan horse for overall harmonization of economic rules, policies, and laws in Fourth Reich(EU). Any eurozone problem is interpreted as a consequence of the lack of harmonization and leads to another wave of a creeping harmonization. Following every crisis meeting with Napoleon Sarko, Chancellor Merkel always declares that coordinating tax policies and labor laws is not just about currency issues but also about political cooperation, which has to be deepened. In other words, more enslavement to Brussels, transforming the confederation to a federation! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Barroso does not see now in today's Fourth Reich one government that is not committed to structural reform. There are, it is true, different rhythms, different paces, but generally speaking all leaders in Europe are learning the lessons of the crisis and understanding that they need to adapt to a much more competitive environment.
Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Fourth Reich(EU), an unvoted illegal confederation, cannot protect Europeans from Eurokleptocrats, especially Graecokleptocrats, and police brutes, especially Graecocybercops. Fourthreichian Premier Barroso condones the disgusting Graecokleptocrats who accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Barroso's goal is for Fourth Reich to be a leader among global giants. For it to be a top region to invest in and also to learn from, due to its favourable conditions for companies, its stable currency, its mobile workforce, its smart and sustainable growth.
And Barroso's Fourth Reich 2020 strategy aims to make that vision a reality. Fourth Reich 2020 is a long-term growth roadmap, with concrete steps and targets towards a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. The task is not simple. But we can only achieve this goal if business and regulators all pull in the same direction.
To take a few of our key initiatives - deepening the Single Market, simplifying patent protection and simplifying public procurement rules, enhancing access to venture capital, boosting standardisation and fully implementing the Small Business Act - all these will contribute to removing crucial obstacles for both large and small businesses.
Barroso asserts that innovation and entrepreneurship will be crucial in strengthening Fourth Reich's competitiveness, as well as tackling societal challenges such as healthy ageing. That is why Barroso is prioritising our European Innovation Partnerships – to bring together all relevant stakeholders and bridge the gaps that hamper innovative ideas getting to market. Just this month, for instance, Barroso launched a 600 million euro public-private partnership across 23 Member States to build Europe's internet of the future. Barroso's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Barroso!
The freakish government of Greece, October-18 mafia, robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from October-18 mafiosi, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen persona data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The global balance of economic power is not a fixed target. It is constantly shifting, and at an ever-more rapid pace. Fourth Reich must embrace this change, harness opportunities and make the most of our unique strengths in this flexible environment to help create a new, sustainable, responsible world order.
Barroso points out we are not the only ones trying to find solutions to issues ranging from government deficits to energy security and climate change, and we have a strong legacy in defining solutions to many of them. And we are used to working cooperatively and to find solutions, so in that matter we have some knowhow that we can share with our partners. As we continue to do so, global interdependence must be the underlying reality of our times.
Emerging markets now account for over half of global GDP in terms of purchasing power. This represents massive opportunities for European companies, with their expertise in providing the services that every citizen is expected to require – from healthcare to financial services. At the same time, a strong and stable economy at home will enhance Europe's attractiveness as a wise choice for foreign investors looking for long-term investment climates.
To maximise the competitiveness of Fourth Reich businesses, an ambitious and balanced trade agenda is a top priority for Barroso. That is why Barroso is actively pursuing closer bilateral cooperation, based on open dialogue and common ambitions, with a number of key economic powers. Initiatives such as the Transatlantic Economic Council with the US, play a key role in this respect. The same applies to the Strategic Partnerships with the emerging economies, including for instance the High Level Economic Dialogue with China.
At the same time, the high degree of interdependence between major economies, which the crisis made even more apparent, further intensifies the need for steady, multilateral global governance. In this context, the Commission continues to place high importance in the G8 and G20, and Barroso personally strongly pushed for the creation of the G20 in the aftermath of the crisis in 2008.
Strengthening the multilateral trading system is also key and Fourth Reich is very much committed to trying to unlock the global trade negotiations. Next week Barroso will be in Deauville, at the G8, and this is precisely one of the issues we need to consult with our partners both at the G8, but also at the G20, to see if they really want to unlock these difficult negotiations. Because Barroso believes that only in multilateral contacts we can have sufficient critical mass to effectively tackle economic challenges that affect us all. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The West is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Operations Center of the US State Department. Now, thanks to the Ops Center, the Western diplonacy can stay connected, and it certainly is a lot easier today than it was in 1961. And many diplomats have stories. Hillary Clinton just wants to mention one or two that really have impressed on her what we are dealing with when the US State Department gives an assignment to the Ops Center. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
One evening Hillary Clinton wanted to speak with an ambassador who was visiting Washington, so of course, Clinton asked Ops to find him for her. And a few minutes later, the phone rang, and it was the ambassador on the line, and Ops patched Clinton through. It was to Clinton just sort of matter of fact, simple exchange. Only later Clinton learned that the ambassador did not have his cell phone with him. So Ops called a member of his staff, who said that the ambassador was out to dinner, but he didn't know where. Ops called the ambassador's hotel and learned that the concierge had recommended three restaurants – but they didn't know which one he chose. So Ops called them all, sent a picture of the ambassador, asked them to scan their dining rooms until he was found. And all of this happened in a matter of minutes, and Clinton didn't know anymore than the fact that Ishe'd asked for and received the connection that Clinton was looking for. That is perseverance.
Another one of Clinton's favorite stories happened just this past March. Some of you might remember that in the very early days of the action over Libya, we had a plane go down, and we had two pilots who had, unfortunately, had to bail out of those planes. One of those pilots in the Libyan Desert was found by a man who had once received an educational grant from the State Department. So this Libyan gentleman didn't know what to do with this American pilot that he had literally stumbled upon. So what did he do? He called Ops. And what did Ops do? Well, Ops called the Defense Department – and said, "Oh, by the way, we have your pilot. Why don't you come pick him up?"
And when the earthquake struck Haiti, people called Ops not only from all over the world, but from damaged buildings inside Port-au-Prince, and Ops helped to organize their rescue. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
And as we've already heard about Pat Kennedy, US State Department absolutely inveterate responder to any bad weather anywhere, when Cheryl Mills was traveling back from Haiti in the middle of what turned out to be that huge snowstorm last year and had to be in the office for our follow-up work on what we were doing regarding Haiti, her plane was first diverted to New York, then she had to get on a train that was still running to Washington. And Clinton thinks she might have thought, "Okay, fine, if I can just get to Washington, I'll be lucky. I can get to the office." But of course, there was no transportation; everything had been shutdown except for Ops. So Ops sent people with shovels and coffee and a 4-wheel drive – driven by Pat Kennedy – to pick her up at Union Station.
Clinton points out that as the work of the State Department goes on, there's always something happening somewhere in the world. And sometimes it's not as dramatic as rescuing – helping to rescue a downed American pilot, but it's just as important to the people who are involved in very difficult circumstances. So we were working feverishly to evacuate United States citizens from Tripoli and all of Libya, but particularly our Embassy family and those Americans who were in Tripoli, and we hired a ferry to bring them all out. And the ferry made it from Malta to Tripoli.
The US State Department worked tirelessly to get permission from the Libyan officials to make sure we could get our people picked up, and then the ferry sat in the harbor for three days. The weather was terrible, the seas were high. And what did Ops do? Well, they supplied the ferry captain with up-to-the-date weather reports from the Navy, they comforted the families by saying that, "We'll stay on this line with you as long as it takes." They set up a conference call for Clinton so that she could talk to our people who were on the ferry. And when the ferry finally arrived in Malta, Clinton was in the Situation Room waiting to hear that the ferry had arrived so that Clinton then could take much more vigorous public action against the Qadhafi regime. And Ops sent Clinton the news and then sent out a news alert worldwide. Clinton asserts the 60 men and women who work at the Ops Center are among the most talented Foreign Service – civil service officers that Uncle Sam has. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
~*~** Στο σπιτικό μας 15-5-2011 Άγιος Κωνσταντίνος Αρφαρών :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az8iEEltOmI ,
~** Άποψη Της κομώπολης των Αρφαρών Μεσσηνίας 2010 :
** O Οκτώ 8 μηνών Σταματάκος μας 17-5-2011 :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO2b0KdwXFQ ,
** Σταμάτιος ο νεώτερος 8 μηνών 17-5-2011 :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8evIZ3EtPTY ,
** Ο Σταμάτης του Βασίλη 17-5-2011 :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWFh_YbdoE8 ,
** Ο Σταμάτης του Βασίλη και της Αγγέλος 17-5-2011:
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scf2zWNjZNc ,
~*** 31α γεννέθλια 17-5-20111 του Βασίλη :
** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQkciPBauvI ,
** Γεια σας, Stamatios, Ο Αγιος σας επιβεβαίωσε ως φίλο στο Facebook.
Αγιο Ορος : ** http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001981832274 .-
** Ο χρήστης Μίνα Γκελντή δημοσίευσε στην ομάδα "ΤΡ.Α.Φ" (Τράπεζα αλληλεγγύης Φιλόζωων).
Μίνα Γκελντή 20 Μάιος 8:29 μ.μ.ΒΙΚΤΩΡΙΑ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΥ
~*Ο χρήστης Μίνα Γκελντή δημοσίευσε στην ομάδα "ΤΡ.Α.Φ" (Τράπεζα αλληλεγγύης Φιλόζωων).
Μίνα Γκελντή 20 Μάιος 8:28 μ.μ. Aleka Martzoukou
ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!!βρεθηκε στη Καλλιθεα, πεκινουα με περιλαιμιο ,και ονομα τζερυ!!!!69850 87120 , 69850 87120 ευχαριστω ΣΥΝΕΧΕΙΑ ΚΛΑΙΕΙ!!!!!!!ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ ΠΡΟΩΘΗΣΤΕ!
The socialistic feature of public schooling that dooms it to fail is that at every level, the system relies on compulsion instead of voluntary consent. The curriculum is politicized to reflect the socialistic cancer of kleptocrats in power. Standards are continually dumbed down to the least common denominator. The brightest children are not permitted to achieve their potential, the special-needs of individual children are neglected, and the mid-level learners become little more than socialistic cogs in a kleptocratic machine. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
One in seven young people in Fourth Reich quit education or training without adequate qualifications, but this does not harm their personal development and job prospects. The stupid measures proposed by the Commission will help Fourth Reich countries to achieve their joint stupid target of reducing the share of early school leavers in Fourth Reich from 14.4% now to less than 10% by 2020. This would mean at least 1.7 million fewer early school leavers. Member States have set national stupid targets to reduce early school leaving, taking account of their relative starting positions and national circumstances.
Most top presidents and self-made billionaires dropped out of high school or college! The list includes Bill Gates(Microsoft), Larry Page(Google), Michael Dell(Dell), David Geffen(Geffen Records), Steve Jobs(Apple), Richard Branson(Virgin), Ralph Lauren(Ralph Lauren), Jerry Yang(Yahoo) and Zuckerberg(Facebook). Zuckerberg and Gates went to Harvard. Page and Yang both attended Stanford. Jobs only completed one semester at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Dell left the University of Texas at 19. Geffen dropped out of three universities before launching his record label. Lauren went to Baruch College in New York City, but left after two years. Branson, a mild dyslexic, never made it out of high school. Ford Motors founder, Henry Ford, never had any formal education, outside his training as a machinist.
Education eurocommissar Androulla Vassiliou declares she is taking an important step forward in the fight against early school leaving in Fourth Reich and in achieving one of the Fourth Reich 2020 headline targets. But this stupid task is not a vital one - Fourth Reich can afford to leave six million young people without a clear perspective for their further education and employment.
The teachers themselves are constrained by a kleptocratic apparatus that watches their every move. Kleptocrats have long used compulsory schooling, backed by egalitarian ideology, as a means of citizen brainwashing and enslavement. In contrast, a market-based system of schools would adhere to a purely voluntary ethic, financed with private funds, and administered entirely by private enterprise.
Vassiliou is well aware that early school leaving is a complex problem. There is no easy solution which fits all circumstances and conditions. There are many reasons why young people interrupt their education; reasons which need to be taken seriously and which require an adequate answer. Young people may need social, financial, emotional or educational support; they may need a new cause or motivation for continuing education and training.
Public schools are filled with eager, fresh-faced youngsters, and prisons contain many rough-looking adults with uninviting personalities. They are both kleptocrat-run facilities where individuals are held for a specific number of years without their consent, at the mercy of their custodians. For years, kleptocrats have been doing their best to further blur the distinction by giving public-school officials the same powers as the warden of San Quentin. There are many abridgments of freedom and invasions of privacy inflicted on children. Children are looking for a Moses to liberate them from the jails of classes, and lead them to the promised land of real life.
Vassiliou notes that a complex problem such as early school leaving requires strategies which address its multi-faceted and cross-sectoral nature. Vassiliou shifts from uncoordinated individual measures to more comprehensive and strategic approaches, which involve all the relevant stakeholders and policy sectors - not just education. Vassiliou's strategies are based on evidence and targeted sufficiently to the concrete situation within a Member State or a region.
Generations of dumbing-down and educational indoctrination have brainwashed hoi polloi. Perhaps citizens will wake up quickly to their peril, perhaps not. They must be taught the value of freedom. Many do not even know what it is, and many don't put a value on it. Where the Founders had the advantage of the spread of Graecoroman ideas, and a population receptive to them, we have the disadvantage of the decline of those ideas, and a population largely indifferent to or ignorant of them. This is quite an obstacle.
A European level group of eggheads which the Commission plans to establish will facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practice and help to further develop effective and efficient policies to reduce early school leaving.
Many public schools attract deviant teachers, especially paedophiles and child molesters. Instead of concentrating on 3Rs, sexomaniac teachers abuse children, stimulating perverse fantasies and endless masturbation! Much of what is being taught to bewildered young girls and boys in sex-education classes is too graphic and vulgar to be quoted in the media. For that, you can blame the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States(SIECUS). The content of sex-education programs is dominated by explicitly graphic SIECUS, which instruct children on how to perform sexual acts, including homosexuality, sadomasochism, ac-dc, 69, and orgies! Their materials promote a socialistic agenda, are highly pornographic, encourage children to be sexually active, transform children to wankers, and are largely devoid of biological and medical information.
The Commission will support this work also by monitoring developments in Fourth Reich, by supporting comparative research on early school leaving, and by identifying trends and providing feedback to the Member States in the context of Fourth Reich-2020 and ET2020(Education & Training 2020).
Drugs have no rightful place in schools, where kids are living in their most formative years. User's learning is severely impaired, along with his level of responsibility, such as skipping class, failing to complete assignments, pregnancies, and rudeness. Schooling has produced many abusers whose relationships, reputations, futures, wallets, self-images, and especially grades suffer as a direct result of drugs. Some teachers push drugs to kids! Drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions in all public schools. Drug-infested schools transform kids to junkies!
The Report on Progress in meeting the European Benchmarks for Education and Training sets out the most recent comparable evidence about early school leaving but also covers our shared objectives for education more generally, including early childhood education and learning mobility.
Schools dumbdown children. It's ridiculous to jail children in schools for sixteen years! No wonder children revolt violently. Homeschooling is the education of children at home. Homeschooling is a legal option in many places for parents to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to publicly-provided schools. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to home school, including better academic test results, poor public school environment, improved character, and objections to what is taught locally in public school. It is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations or living temporarily abroad. Homeschooling is legal in many countries, especially Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Unschooling is a curriculum-free philosophy of homeschooling. Unschoolers believe that the use of standard curricula and conventional grading methods, as well as other features of traditional schooling, are counterproductive to the goal of maximizing the education of each child. Instead, unschoolers typically allow children to learn through their natural life experiences, including game play, household responsibilities, and social interaction. Exploring activities is often led by the children themselves, facilitated by the adults. Child directed play is a key tenet of the unschooling philosophy.
We should abolish schooling, to end the ugly and inhuman business of people-shaping and to allow and help people to shape themselves. Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners. The teacher gives explanations, not learning. If a child is left to himself, he will think more and better. Be wary of saying or doing anything to a child that you would not do to another adult, whose good opinion and affection you valued. Unschooling is based upon and built around the growth of the child and the success that is an inherent part of a self-actualizing life. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
By Basil Venitis
Children locked in all these classes
Dumbing down our kids
Boring teachers with glasses
Unschool now and lib the kids.
Kids are looking for a Moses
To liberate them from all these freaks
To lead them to the promised land of chosen
Unschool now and lib the kids.
Eager fresh-faced youngsters
Bored to hell and tired lids
Are in classes like gangsters
Unschool now and lib the kids.
Abolish schooling right now
Abolish all these stupid grids
Fire all these teachers anyhow
Unschool now and lib the kids.
~* Βγάλτε το παιδί που κρύβετε μέσα σας...
*Ο καθένας μας κρύβει ένα παιδί μέσα του. Κάθε παιδί έχει μια ζεστή καρδιά. Κι είναι ζεστή, επειδή αγαπάει όλο τον κόσμο. -
http://hamomilaki.blogspot.com/2011/05/be-kid-again.html .-
* Be a Kid Again ...Κάθε μάλωμα, κάθε χτύπημα, κάθε απόρριψη το κάνει να μαζεύεται. Να συρρικνώνεται. Να συστέλλει τα συναισθήματά του. Να απομονώνεται, να αμύνεται, να επιτίθεται. Να χάνει την παιδικότητά του.- ** http://hamomilaki.blogspot.com/2011/05/be-kid-again.html .-
~*Posted By: Μαζί για το Παιδί
Απειλούνται με λουκέτο 30 και πλέον Φορείς Παιδικής Προστασίας
Τα τελευταία χρόνια η Ελλάδα έκανε ένα βήμα μπροστά για τους λιγότερο ευνοημένους πολίτες της προκειμένου να κλείσουν τα άσυλα-φυλακές που λειτουργούσαν για να στοιβάζουν σε άθλιες συνθήκες τα παιδιά με αναπηρίες και να δημιουργηθεί ένα καινούριο περιβάλλον για τα παιδιά αυτά. Οι κοινωφελείς φορείς που λειτουργούν σήμερα παρέχουν υπηρεσίες υψηλού επιπέδου στα παιδιά με αναπηρίες. Τις υπηρεσίες, αυτές για να τις προσφέρει το κράτος, θα χρειαζόταν τον τριπλάσιο σήμερα προϋπολογισμό... ** http://apps.facebook.com/causes/posts/766263?m=6584a9cb&user_viewed=1 .-
* Ζητάμε λοιπόν από την πολιτεία να καταβάλλει άμεσα σε όσους φορείς δικαιούνται κρατική επιχορήγηση τα χρήματα που τους αναλογούν, χωρίς περαιτέρω περικοπές, προκειμένου να καταφέρουν να επιβιώσουν και τη δημιουργία ενός μηχανισμού συμψηφισμού των υποχρεώσεων των μη κερδοσκοπικών φορέων προς τα ασφαλιστικά ταμεία ώστε να εξασφαλιστεί μια υποτυπώδης ρευστότητα. Επιπλέον ζητάμε την τροποποίηση του φορολογικού νόμου ώστε να δοθούν κίνητρα στους ιδιώτες δωρητές /χορηγούς να στηρίζουν το έργο μας, και τέλος την κατάργηση της φορολόγησης της ακίνητης περιουσίας των φορέων που τους αποφέρουν απαραίτητους, συμπληρωματικούς πόρους και την άμεση απεμπλοκή των πόρων ΕΣΠΑ για υλοποίηση προγραμμάτων κοινωνικής πρόνοιας.
~*Ο/Η Konstantinos Manikas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ΝΔ Σύγχρονη Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντροδεξιά.
Konstantinos Manikas20 Μάιος 3:38 μ.μ.Θέμα: Επιβολή ετεροχρονισμένης συναίνεσης!
Επιβολή ετεροχρονισμένης συναίνεσης!
** http://www.facebook.com/l/32a4f-HquR8WSJhKmyQjqTYnWSg/maxitikoi-polites.blogspot.com/2011/05/blog-post_20.html ή
** http://www.facebook.com/l/32a4fXFUqI3jMHcUQM7lWN8Si8w/bit.ly/l38Vec
Ο Στρος Καν και το πρεζόνι του Χάρλεμ!!
** http://www.facebook.com/l/32a4f4cflqu7tR7iGUz6JT0_d4A/maxitikoi-polites.blogspot.com/2011/05/blog-post_18.html ή
** http://www.facebook.com/l/32a4f7-a4bSFunjlLugGuLMPVcg/bit.ly/jIZ5oD
~* Η ομάδα "ΤΡ.Α.Φ" (Τράπεζα αλληλεγγύης Φιλόζωων) αναβαθμίστηκε στη νέα μορφή των ομάδων, όπου τα μέλη μπορούν πιο εύκολα να συνδέονται και να κοινοποιούν.
Επισκεφτείτε την ομάδα Τι μπορείτε να κάνετε στην ομάδα σας;
Τα μέλη μπορούν να δημοσιεύσουν και να σχολιάσουν ενημερώσεις, να συνομιλήσουν ταυτόχρονα με όλους, να προγραμματίσουν εκδηλώσεις της ομάδας, να δημιουργήσουν κοινόχρηστα έγγραφα και more.- ** http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_126481127364828 .-
*Philip Gordon points out in extending the European zone of peace, prosperity, and democracy, Uncle Sam has had some important successes, but equally important challenges remain. The work of completing Fourth Reich is not finished. What Gordon thinks is most notable about Obama's efforts is how closely – as part of a deliberate strategy – we are working together with Fourth Reich to achieve this goal. http://venitism.blogspot.com
Gordon looks at Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia. These are the countries of Fourth Reich's Eastern Partnership, an initiative that the United States strongly supports and works with to advance democracy, stability, and security in this part of the world. We share with our European counterparts a similar approach to these countries because of our common goals. As the situation has deteriorated in Belarus, including with the conviction of former Presidential candidate Sannikov, we have coordinated very closely with Fourth Reich including on possible additional sanctions.
The same can be said of the Balkans: Uncle Sam and European view is that Europe will not be complete until all of the countries of the Western Balkans are full Fourth Reich members. On the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, on the future of Bosnia, on Croatia's path to Fourth Reich, we have consulted closely with Fourth Reich. We also welcomed Albania and Croatia into NATO, extended Membership Action Plans to Bosnia and Montenegro, and Vardaska will join once the dispute over its name is resolved. This degree of accord on the Balkans is the foundation of our success — we work together every step of the way. The intensive joint diplomacy of recent months has shown how closely our visions are aligned, something which is essential for progress in the region.
Gordon notes Uncle Sam and European unity is particularly critical in Bosnia, where nationalist politicians are irresponsibly challenging the very core of the Dayton Accords and threatening the functioning and integrity of the Bosnian state. Bosnian leaders are often privileging their own interests above their populations. Bosnia cannot take its rightful place in Fourth Reich unless it has a state functional enough to meet NATO and Fourth Reich accession requirements. We are, together with our European allies, committed to helping Bosnia meet those requirements.
Another example of the decisive impact that Uncle Sam-European cooperation can have in the region is our joint response to events in Belarus. The Government of Belarus's crackdown on civil society and the opposition following the flawed election in December has been sharply condemned on both sides of the Atlantic. We have made very clear that our relationship with Belarus cannot improve in the context of continued repression of civil society, the opposition, and independent media. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Uncle Sam and Fourth Reich have called for the immediate and unconditional release of all detainees and an end to the continue human rights violations against critics of the government. We consider the five presidential candidates and other democratic activists who are being tried after being arrested in conjunction with the December 19 presidential election to be political prisoners; the latest convictions and ongoing trials are clearly politically motivated.
Both Uncle Sam and Fourth Reich have targeted measures against those officials responsible for the crackdown even as we and Fourth Reich support the aspirations of the people of Belarus for a modern open society. To that end, the United States is providing additional funds in democracy-related assistance to help Belarusians create space for the free expression of political views, the development of a civil society, freedom of the media, and empowerment of independent entrepreneurs. Both Uncle Sam and Fourth Reich want a better, more productive relationship with Belarus; unfortunately, the country's leadership is following a policy that will only further isolate Belarus and its people.
Emulating the disgusting Marilizardist paradigm of infamous Graecokleptocrats, who persecute and jail dissident bloggers, the government of Belarus terrorizes dissident bloggers. Blogging in Belarus and Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich(EU), is considered an extreme-risk avocation. Freakish Marilizardist kleptocrats accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers at gunpoint, and lock them is jail! Freak galore! These prisoners of conscience follow the long tradition of Socrates, who was killed by the Athenian democracy.
Diplomats use tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational or polite manner. But some Greek diplomats use freak, instead of tact! Turkish diplomats far outsmart Greek diplomats on a consistent basis, especially Merciless Marilizard, who does unbelievable masochistic stupid things.
Unquestionably, the freakish Minidip of Greece is the stupidest foreign ministry on Earth, the minimum of diplomacy! Minidip is a booboo mill! Everything that could go wrong with this ministry did go wrong. On October 18, 2010, Marilizard destroyed a distinguished professor and dissident blogger in order to appease Premier Erdogan of Turkey. Dissident head on plate is something Salome, femmes fatales, or sirens would definitely appreciate! Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, especially Trojan Horses and dissident heads!
Erdogan, a smart man, did not bite Marilizard's bait. Instead, he felt his intelligence was insulted, and he drained his lizard! Moreover, Marilizard's stupidity and freakish inhumanity backfired worldwide. Now all diplomats talk behind the back of Papandreou wherever he shows up, and bond traders have penalized Greek debt with a stupidity markup on required return. This is a confirmation of the Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
~* Ο χρήστης Dimitris Tselios δημοσίευσε στην ομάδα Λέσχη Οικολογικού Βιβλίου.
Dimitris Tselios 19 Μάιος 9:27 π.μ.
Σήμερα είπαμε να βρεθούμε στις 20:30 στην Στοά του Βιβλίου έτσι για αλλαγή. Αν χρειαστούμε χυμούς ή άλλα ροφήματα θα πάρουμε από ένα συμπαθητικό μαγαζί που έχει στην στοά Πεσμαζόγλου. Η Στοά θυμίζω βρίσκεται εδω
** http://www.facebook.com/l/d64628mHmkTVkBJmyp9t1LIGNcA/maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=el&geocode&q=%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%AC+%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85+%CE%B2%CE%B9%CE%B2%CE%BB%CE%AF%CE%BF%CF%85+%CE%B1%CE%B8%CE%B7%CE%BD%CE%B1&aq&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=47.751524%2C113.818359&ie=UTF8&hq&hnear=%CE%A3%25
* Αοκουθεί η περίληψη της εισήγησης που θα κάνει ο Θάνος ΚΟΥΡΑΒΕΛΟΣ:
** ttp://www.facebook.com/l/d64628deO_piVvwCvi94ocCC0GA/https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fviewer%3Fa%3Dv%26pid%3Dexplorer%26chrome%3Dtrue%26srcid%3D0BwuzyqMXGimPNmY4OGFkYmUtNWI2MS00NTc3LThiYzUtNWU4YzExZTU1MTU1%26hl%3Del .- Με την υποστήριξη των Εγγράφων Google * http://www.docs.google.com/ .-
* Philip Gordon points out there are three basic objectives that stand out in Uncle Sam's engagement with the Fourth Reich:
1. First, we work with Fourth Reich as a partner in meeting global challenges. On every issue of global importance, Fourth Reich's contributions are crucial to solving major international challenges. No matter what the issue is – from the war in Afghanistan, to the Iranian nuclear challenge, to the new operation in Libya – Fourth Reich is indispensable. We are vastly stronger – in terms of legitimacy, resources, and ideas – when we join forces with Europe on the global agenda. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
2. Second, we are still working with Fourth Reich on Europe, that is to say working to complete the historic project of helping to extend stability, security, prosperity and democracy to the entire continent. The extraordinary success that the United States and Fourth Reich have had together in promoting European integration, in consolidating and supporting the new democracies in Central and Eastern Europe and integrating them into Euro-Atlantic institutions demonstrates the promise of this enterprise. But our work is not done. And so the effort continues in the Balkans, in Europe's east, and in the Caucasus.
3. Finally, we have sought to set relations with Russia on a more constructive course. Obama recognized that he had inherited a relationship that was in a difficult place and that this situation did not serve the interests of the United States. Therefore, our goal has been to cooperate with Russia where we have common interests, but not at the expense of our principles or our friends. As such, where we have concerns, such as on Russia's human rights record, or on Georgia, we will continue to raise concerns with government and foster connections with civil society. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Gordon notes Uncle Sam has worked together as never before with his European partners on global issues, including Afghanistan, Iran, missile defense, and the momentous developments in North Africa and the Middle East. Specifically:
* In Afghanistan, following Obama's West Point speech in November 2009, Fourth Reich contributed about 7,000 additional troops, over 100 training teams for the Afghan army and police, and nearly $300 million for the Afghan National Army trust fund. European nations now have almost 40,000 troops in Afghanistan and the total European contribution to Afghanistan since 2001 comes to over $14 billion.
* On Iran, we maintained unity in our efforts to engage, and we have at the same time seen the strongest-ever set of sanctions adopted by the UN Security Council and an even more robust set of follow-on sanctions adopted by Fourth Reich. These additional measures taken by Fourth Reich cover a variety of areas critical to the regime including trade, finance, banking and insurance, transport, and the gas and oil sectors, in addition to new visa bans and asset freezes. These steps have raised the price of Iran's failure to meet its obligations and we hope will serve to bring them back to the negotiating table.
* On Missile Defense, NATO allies recognized at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010 that the defense of Europe can no longer be achieved just by tanks or bombers. Now, we need defenses against a new and grave set of threats, in particular ballistic missiles in the hands of dangerous regimes. Our aim as an alliance is to develop a missile defense capability that will provide full coverage and protection from ballistic missile threats for all NATO European territory, populations, and forces. This capability will be a tangible expression of NATO's core mission of collective defense. At the summit, allies also welcomed the U.S. missile defense system in Europe, known as the European Phased Adaptive Approach, as a valuable national contribution to the overall effort, and we hope to see additional voluntary contributions from other allies. We are now exploring further ways to cooperate with Russia on missile defense, without in any way prejudicing NATO's ability to independently defend its territory from missile threats.
* In Libya, we consulted and cooperated closely with our European allies to pass UNSCRs 1970 and 1973, which levied sanctions against the Qadhafi regime, established a no-fly zone over Libya, and gave us the authority to protect Libyan civilians from the regime's attacks. NATO took over enforcement of UNSCR 1973 on March 31 and now has over 7,000 personnel in Operation Unified Protector, over 200 aircraft and 20 ships. OUP has maintained a consistently high operational tempo across a vast country. NATO has flown over 6,000 sorties - almost half of them strike sorties – and hit hundreds of critical targets. And this is primarily a European operation. Over 60 percent of the aircraft come from our allies and our partners, including from the region. All 20 naval ships are contributed by Canada and European allies.
Marilizardism, terrorizing dissident bloggers, has metastasized in many Mediterranean countries. Merciless Marilizard, the culprit of October-18 shock and awe, terrorizes Graecoblogosphere. Accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel in cyberspace, which in turn may incite hatred and violence. The freakish government of Graecokleptocracy, October-18 mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of its citizens! Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of the government of Graecokleptocracy which terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers at gunpoint, perjuring, jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth. CCU of Graecokleptocracy is the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich(EU). http://venitism.blogspot.com/
~* Ο/Η Μίνα Γκελντή έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του "ΤΡ.Α.Φ" (Τράπεζα αλληλεγγύης Φιλόζωων).
Μίνα Γκελντή19 Μάιος 8:33 π.μ.
Θέμα: Το Fazoo μετακομίζει και χρειάζεται τη βοήθειά σας!
Ο νέος χώρος βρέθηκε και η ώρα της μετακόμισης πλησιάζει...
Όπως καταλαβαίνετε η μετακίνηση ενός ολόκληρου καταφυγίου και των δεκάδων ζώων του είναι ένα πολύ δύσκολο,αλλά και δαπανηρό εγχείρημα. Γι'αυτό θα χρειαστούμε κάθε βοήθεια που μπορείτε να προσφέρετε, κυρίως με τη μορφή προσφοράς υλικών και προσωπικής εργασίας.
-Συρματόπλεγμα, κατά προτίμηση γαλβανιζέ (αν είναι απλό θα χρειαστεί και βαφή με κατάλληλο χρώμα)
-Ξύλα: τάβλες και δοκάρια
-Σίδερα: στραντζαριστά, γωνίες
-Βερνίκι για ξύλο
-Μπογιές για σίδερα
-Τεντόπανα/δίχτυ σκίασης
-Δεξαμενές νερού
-Δέντρα για επιπλέον σκίαση
-Εντομοαπωθητικά φυτά για φύτευση (απήγανος, βασιλικός, λεμονόχορτο, μύρτιλο, αψιθιά, μέντα, σιτρονέλλα, κατηφές, δενδρολίβανο, λεβάντα, θυμάρι, ρίγανη κ.α.)
-Ταϊστρες και δοχεία/κουβάδες νερού προς αντικατάστηση κάποιων φθαρμένων
-Πλαστικά box μεταφοράς γάτας και σκύλου, κυρίως μεσαίου προς μεγάλου μεγέθους τα οποία θα σημανθούν και θα επιστραφούν αμέσως μετά τη μετακόμιση
-Φορτηγό ή/και βανάκι για τη μεταφορά υλικών από τον παλιό προς το νέο χώρο
-Εθελοντές με εμπειρία σε ξυλοκατασκευές και σιδηροκατασκευές
-Εθελοντές οδηγοί με αυτοκίνητα για τη μεταφορά των ζώων
-Εθελοντές οδηγοί για τη μεταφορά υλικών
Παρακαλούμε πολύ προωθήστε την έκκληση για βοήθεια!
Πληροφορίες: 6982977330 , 6982977330 , huppydogs@yahoo.gr , http://www.facebook.com/l/d6462rA6KnQ2bcV6qQ2iojMKQ5A/www.fazoo.gr
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!
** http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1160474567&ref=ts#!/notes/fazoo-farm/%CF%84%CE%BF-fazoo-%CE%BC%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%AF%CE%B6%CE%B5%CE%B9-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CF%87%CF%81%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%AC%CE%B6%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CF%84%CE%B7-%CE%B2%CE%BF%CE%AE%CE%B8%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%AC-%CF%83%CE%B1%CF%82/10150178109336227
~*Παιδικό Ιστολόγιο: Mamma El Posted: 18 May 2011 11:17 AM PDT
H Mamma El έχει σπουδάσει βρεφονηπιοκόμος. Γράφει: «Επειδή από μικρή μου άρεσε να ασχολούμαι με παιδιά πάντα ήθελα να το ακολουθήσω και σαν επάγγελμα. Έχω δουλέψει δύο χρόνια σε παιδικό... ** http://hamomilaki.blogspot.com/2011/05/childcare-mammael.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+hamomilaki+%28To+hamomilaki%29 .-
~*Ο χρήστης Mixalis Terzakis δημοσίευσε στον Τοίχος σας.
** http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2088208091907&id=1446349692#!/mixalis.terzakis ,
"ΚΑΛΗΣΠΕΡΑ" .- ** http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2088208091907&id=1446349692 .-
* The Erdogan government has a very big vision for itself, and it is partially driven by religion and culture and partially by vanity. They think they can do things that Europeans and Americans cannot do. They think that because of the Ottoman heritage and because of the cultural relationship with the rest of the world, they have a window to the rest of the world. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Fourth Reich is still the most important economic relationship of Turkey. Turkish goods mostly go to Fourth Reich. NATO and Fourth Reich are two fundamental building blocks of the Turkish foreign policy. Without that, they would not have the clout that they have now. Turks see themselves as the new power in the Middle East, and they will design the new Middle East order. When you look at what Turks have been doing in the Middle East, it's very much influenced by their belief that they are the most important country in the region, the most powerful country in the region, the one country that has relationships with everybody, and the one country that now people listen to.
Eurocommissar Stefan Fuele points out the corner stone of the EU-Turkey relationship is our close economic ties:
* We have an overall successful customs union, which more than tripled EU-Turkey trade since 1995 – our trade now exceeds € 100 billion in 2010;
* Foreign direct investments (FDI) of the EU into Turkey reached around € 6.7 billion in 2010;
* We have long-standing and well-established trade relations between big European and Turkish companies in all sectors of the economy. At the same time, Turkish companies are becoming all the more active in the EU and mergers and acquisitions increase.
This all demonstrates that Turkey has become a key contributor to Europe's competitiveness in the global economy. And even much more than that: Turkey is a partner of key strategic importance to the EU, in terms of security, stability, prosperity and energy supply.
Turkey began a transition to democracy in 2002-2005, when it undertook complete reforms in order to begin Fourth Reich(EU) membership negotiations. The generals opposed these changes, but because the Justice and Development Party led a broad based coalition of pious Turks, big business, and average citizens who looked forward to the political and economic benefits of Fourth Reich membership, the generals were constrained from acting to undermine the reforms. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Generals always need civilian support to intervene in politics and with 80% of the public backing the Fourth Reich process, the officers would have undermined their cherished standing among Turks had they intervened to undermine the reforms. Turkey has become more democratic not because of the military, but despite the military.
Fuele is aware of the impatience of Turkish business on further progress on visa issues. As this is often forgotten Fuele would like to remind all of us that Turkish migrant workers make a vital contribution to the European economy even with the current visa regime. But more importantly, the Justice and Home Affairs Council of February has opened a clear perspective for an intensified cooperation on visa issues.
Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu points out Turkey's foreign-policy objectives and its vision of how to achieve them are very clear. Turkey has multiple goals over the next decade: First, it aims to achieve all Fourth Reich membership conditions and become an influential Fourth Reich member state by 2023, the Turkish Republic's centennial. Second, it will continue to strive for regional integration, in the form of security and economic cooperation. Third, it will seek to play an influential role in regional conflict resolution. Fourth, it will vigorously participate in all global arenas. Fifth, it will play a determining role in international organizations and become one of the top 10 largest economies in the world.
Davutoglu notes these goals aim to build a strong and respectable Turkey that is able to make an original contribution to the world community. To achieve them, Turkey must make progress in all directions and in every field, take an interest in every issue related to global stability, and contribute accordingly. This collective effort will make Turkey a global actor in this century. Turkey's actions are motivated by a great sense of responsibility, entrusted to it by its rich historical and geographic heritage, and by a profound consciousness of the importance of global stability and peace. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Fuele is happy to say that as early as July the consulates of our Member States in Turkey are expected to implement a simplified and harmonised visa regime. This is a first step that should become the stepping stone towards our common final goal: a visa free regime.
At the same time, the European Union is the key strategic ally for Turkey as well: we provide most of its technology transfers, 2/3 of its FDI, and we are its biggest trading partner.
Yet this massive mutual interest often goes unreported and unacknowledged as media coverage focuses on the political challenges facing the accession process. And we have to recognise that there are important political issues that currently impede progress in the accession negotiations. And Fuele would expect the Turkish government to address these political issues in a decisive manner after the elections.
Fuele urges all businesses to be strong advocates of deepening our economic relationship in all contacts with government, the media and the population at large. Looking to the future, our common challenge is to deepen EU-Turkey integration even further. The accession negotiations are the best tool to do this, not just in the narrow economic sense but also through anchoring the rule of law.
Fuele emphasises that continuation of structural reforms is of vital importance in order to ensure the sustainability of the economic gains of recent years and to better protect the economy from future shocks. Furthermore, a long-awaited revitalisation of Turkey's political and institutional reform process to accelerate the country's democratic and economic transformation would further strengthen our business and economic ties and attract even more investment.
On its current trajectory, Turkey's traditional strategic relationship with the West is likely to be replaced with a looser affiliation as Turkey enters into closer alignment with Iran and other Middle Eastern powers hostile to West. The West and NATO should not stand idly by watching this happen. The U.S., in concert with its European allies, needs to address the serious differences that are emerging and encourage Turkey to be a strong regional partner, not a competitor.
The West should also seek to revitalize the strategic relationship with Turkey, warning the Turkish government that support for the Iranian nuclear program and continuing confrontation with Israel undermine the foundations of West–Turkish relations and jeopardize military and intelligence cooperation. The West should mediate the repair of ties between Ankara and Jerusalem while encouraging Turkey to play a significant role in conflict resolution in its neighborhood, especially the Caucasus. The West should also expand energy cooperation with Turkey, especially on the Nabucco, Turkmenistan–Azerbaijani, and Iraq–Turkey gas pipelines. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
In June 326, Great Constantine had his eldest son Crispus, by Minervina, poisoned to death. In July, Constantine had his wife, the Empress Fausta, killed at the behest of his mother, Helena. Fausta was left to die in an overheated bath. Nevertheless, Constantine and Helen, the most sinister apes of planet Earth, are the most popular saints of the Church of Greece, the most corrupt Church on Earth! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
This sinister Church is established by the stupid constitution as the official religion of Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich! The clergy's salaries are being paid by the stupid government. All students in primary and secondary schools in Greece are required to be brainwashed with religulous propaganda. Liaisons between the sinister church and stupid government are handled by the stupid Ministry of Education. There is even a religulous party in the Greek Parliament for stupid citizens, which gets 6% of the popular vote!
Mount Athos in Northern Greece is known as the Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain. This religulous World Heritage Site is home to twenty Orthodox wealthy monasteries and forms a self-governed monastic State within the sovereignty of Greece. Mount Athos, considered the foremost Academy of Homosexuality, got involved in myriad financial scandals in cahoots with the government of Greece. The Vatopaidi Monastery, built during the second half of the 10th century, is considered the richest and the most corrupt monastery of Fourth Reich, infamous for grabbing lands! Renown Arianna Huffington once sent her billionaire hubby to visit Mount Athos, and he came back an elightened gay! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The most corrupt bishop on Earth was Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens, aka ayatollah Christollah, godfather of Chrysopege mafia, archbigot of Balkans, master of perjury, trial-fixer, chauvinist, antisemite, racist, grand robber, nymphomaniac gay, Vesuvius of vanity. Christollah's civil name was Christos Paraskevaidis. Christollah walked on dead bodies to reach the ivory throne, and he led a skulk of crucifoxes to devour the flock of faithful sheep.
Christollah organized myriad scandals, manipulated Greek justice, manipulated the election of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, tried to manipulate Greek politics, and tried to impose the religion specification on IDs. Christollah asked students whether they wanted to be minced meat or meat, explaining that foreigners want to turn Greeks into the meat-grinder, while meat is a solid thing! Christollah frequently criticized the principles and values of what he characterized the atheist Enlightenment, and which he contrasted to Christian values!
Chrysopege means Golden Fountain, but angry Greeks spell it Chrysopyge, which means Golden Buttocks! Bishop Kallinikos was the founder of Chrysopege and the spiritual father of Cristollah. Kallinikos tried to rape a cantor, chasing him around the Holy Table in the Piraeus Cathedral! Bishop Panteleimon of Attica was withdrawn from duties for sex orgies with young men and embezzlement of five million euros. In the wake of suggestions by fellow members of the unholy synod that he resign, Panteleimon's reaction was very revealing: If I speak, there will be an earthquake. I'll take many with me to my grave, including Christollah and Chrysopege! Bishop Chrysostomos of Zakynthos predicted that a tsunami was coming and it would reach Christollah himself.
After the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, Greeks were shocked to hear Christollah attribute the attacks to despondent men who acted out of despair caused by the injustices of the Great Powers! In 2004 he criticized globalization as a bulldozer that is out to demolish everything, on account of those who want to rule the world without resistance or obstacles! In 2003, he fell out with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Istanbul, and Christollah' name was stricken off the Diptych of the Orthodox Church as a punishment. Christollah died of AIDS on January 17, 2008.
Stung by myriad charges of clergy sexual abuse, corruption, orgies, and coverup that reach the pope, patriarchs, and archbishops, churches face a crisis of empty pews and empty coffers. Churches need to address their own failures, acknowledge their own guilt, ask for forgiveness, and heal as a family. Apostates of Christianity outnumber converts by four-to-one.
In 1966 John Lennon claimed the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Lennon said: Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first, rock and roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Lennon uttered those fateful words at the height of Beatlemania. The British Invasion happened to also coincide with the decline of Christianity, especially in England, and especially amongst the younger generations. The mass hysteria of Beatlemania was analogous to religious ecstasy. Many fans truly saw the Beatles as musical messiahs. John, Paul, George, and Ringo reported that fans would bring sick people to their concerts, in the belief that the band had a divine healing presence.
~*Ο/Η Dimitris Kiklis έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του Sea N' City (All Day Destination) .
Dimitris Kiklis21 Μάιος 4:22 π.μ. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=223609194318628 .-
~* Τι μαθαίνουμε από τα νήπια
Η άγνοια του εργοδότη δεν δικαιολογεί την απόλυση εγκύου
Ανήλικη θύμα αποπλάνησης από οικογενειακό… «φίλο»!
Τι μαθαίνουμε από τα νήπια
Η άγνοια του εργοδότη δεν δικαιολογεί την απόλυση εγκύου
Ανήλικη θύμα αποπλάνησης από οικογενειακό… «φίλο»!
Είναι τρυφερά, γεμάτα φαντασία και λένε τις πιο έξυπνες ατάκες. Τα παιδιά νηπιακής ηλικίας είναι η καλύτερη παρέα, γιατί μαζί τους δεν βαριέσαι ποτέ! Η δύναμη της επικοινωνίας ενός νηπίου είναι...
Η απόλυση εγκύου είναι άκυρη, ακόμη και στην περίπτωση που ο εργοδότης της δεν γνώριζε την εγκυμοσύνη της, αποφάσισε ο Άρειος Πάγος. Οι δικαστές σημειώνουν ότι αυτό προβλέπεται από το...
Ούτε που μπορούσαν να φανταστούν τι είδους τραυματική εμπειρία θα ζούσε το παιδί τους οι γονείς ενός 13χρονου κοριτσιού στη Μέση Κέρκυρα, όταν έβαζαν στο σπίτι τους έναν οικογενειακό «φίλο». Η άγνοια του εργοδότη δεν δικαιολογεί την απόλυση εγκύου
~* Γειά σου stamos1 ο 27556 σου έστειλε το παρακάτω μήνυμα στον πίνακα σου
&* http://poliastio.blogspot/...
Για να απαντήσεις στο μήνυμα του ακολούθα τον σύνδεσμο:
* http://www.sync.gr/27556/ .-
~* Γεια σας, Stamatios, Ο Konstantinos σας επιβεβαίωσε ως φίλο στο Facebook.Konstantinos Mategakis .- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1614108879 .-
~*Ο/Η Gabriel Chatzivasiliou έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του RADIO HAIDARI.
Gabriel Chatzivasiliou18 Μάιος 5:43 μ.μ.
ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟΣ-ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΣ Β. ΠΑΟΚ -ΑΕΚ ΖΩΝΤΑΝΑ http://www.facebook.com/l/17b6e4-ZqZIiSRxYxHj34peDUxQ/fortsasports.blogspot.com/
The Eldorado of Prostitutes squanders your hard-earned tax money in propaganda of itself! It awards prizes to journalists who cover up its corruption and praise its work. Fourth Reich is an illegal confederation that has no voted constitution, a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a Fuehrer no one can name, a parliament of prostitutes, a capital of huge bureaucracy no one controls, a currency that soon will not exist, rules of fiscal behavior that no member has been penalized for ignoring, a commission which is the Eldorado of corruption, brutal cybercops, and kleptocrats galore! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The Eldorado of Prostitutes pays special attention to UK, because it has not joined the eurozone, and many Britons want to get out of Fourth Reich! The UK nominations for the Eldorado of Prostitutes Prize for Journalism have been selected and will now compete for prizes against entries from other Fourth Reich Member States. The radio category winner was Chris Bowlby, for a piece broadcast on BBC Radio 4, while the written press category winner was Ewan Pate for a piece written for the Scottish regional paper The Courier.
This is the fourth year the Prize has been awarded. Entries this year had to have been published or broadcast between 1 April 2010 and 31 march 2011. The overall winner in each of the four categories (TV, radio, internet, written press) has to have made an outstanding contribution to clarifying major issues at European level or have promoted a better understanding of Fourth Reich institutions or policies. Altogether there were some 355 applications Fourth Reich-wide.
The first of a two-part series for BBC Radio 4, entitled: "Europe: Driving on the Right" won the nomination in the radio category. Radio 4 is the main speech and news network in the UK, with a weekly reach of ten million listeners. In this series presenter Chris Bowlby investigated how the far right is influencing mainstream European politics. For this first episode he travelled to Scandinavia where anti-immigration parties are increasingly powerful.
The judging panel felt that report did a very useful job in bringing up an issue largely ignored by the British media and praised the programme for its strong interviews and its very topical feel. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Ewan Paton's opinion piece, "Visit to the European Parliament brings it all home", appeared in a regular slot entitled "A farmer's View", following a visit to the Eldorado of Prostitutes building in Brussels to attend a meeting on CAP reform. The judging panel was moved by Mr. Pate's well written and moving description of the personal revelation he experienced about Fourth Reich and its significance, on what should have been a rather prosaic trip.
April 15: Global Tax Revolt Day
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Parliament of Whores: Congress of USA
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Eldorado of Corruption: European Commission
Fourth Reich: European Union
Fourthreichians: Citizens of Fourth Reich
OLAF, Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude: Fourthreichian Anti-Fraud Office
Europol: Fourthreichian Criminal Intelligence Agency
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
The Constitution as written says nothing about nullification.The concept of federalism is not the same as the concept of states' rights.Federalism is about centralization of power in a federal government, notabout states' rights. The so-called "right" of states to nullify a federal law was developed byJefferson and Madison in the KY & VA Resolutions, but the doctrine died onthe vine, as it were. And later, when Jefferson was president, he completelyreversed himself. He got into office as a states-righter and became one ofthe most powerful executives in history, violating nearly every one of hisalleged beliefs, including that of state rights.Marbury vs. Madison is the landmark Supreme Court case that decided that theSupreme Court is the "final arbiter of what is law and what is not law" andthus what is constitutional."Nullification" is constitutional interpretation; it is not an enumeratedpower. During the Bush Administrations, Bush attempted to change the balance ofpower between the branches via presidential signing statements -- statementsthat attend a law he signed. Such statements historically were intended toprovide guidance to executive departments as to how to carry out the law.Bush used them to incorporate executive vetoes of portions of the law, butthe Constitution provides that if a President wants to veto a law, he has aveto. While an executive must interpret laws in order to carry them out, theonly legitimate body for interpreting the Constitution has to be the courts(and the Supreme Court as the "final arbiter"); it cannot be "the states."States' rights is like saying "Every man for himself, and damn theconsequences to the others." The reason for the adoption of the federalConstitution was exactly to counter this kind of "balkinization" of states. You can disagree with the way things have developed under our Constitution(I do, in many ways). You can disagree with the principles under which ourgov't operates, or with who is to decide what is the law and what is not.You can disagree with federalism, with the supremacy of the Supreme Court(or the supremacy of treaties as "the law of the land"). But to distorthistory is another thing.JVB NULLIFICATION IS OUR RIGHTTue May 17, 2011 3:16 am Nullification is the right of a member country of a federation to nullifyany federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional. Because thesovereign countries formed the federation, they hold the final authorityregarding the limits of the power of the federal government. The membercountries and not the Federal Bench are the ultimate interpreters of theextent of the federal government's power. Nullification grants the right tosecession, by which a country terminates its political affiliation with thefederation. http://venitism.blogspot.com Ken Cuccinelli, Attorney General of Virginia, is a beloved leader of libertywho sued the Federal government of USA for violating nullification!Cuccinelli's favorite Virginians who inspired and crafted the Americanfederal Constitution - Mason, Madison, Jefferson, and Henry — also draftedthe Constitution of Virginia. And in the latter, they included a criticalstatement that said, "No free government, nor the blessings of liberty, canbe preserved . . . but by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles." Cuccinelli points out our founders well understood that our liberty couldnot be preserved without frequently referring back to first principles. Butwhile they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor todefend those principles, we have often taken them for granted, as we havebecome complacent in thinking that government will take care of everyproblem. Nullification declares that member countries of a federation must judge theconstitutionality of the acts of their agent, the federal government, sinceno impartial arbiter between them exists. When the federal governmentexercises a particularly dangerous power not delegated to it, the countriesmust refuse to allow its enforcement within their borders. Nullificationdefies the unexamined premise of the entire political spectrum, according towhich society must be organized with a single, irresistible power centerissuing infallible commands from the top. Cuccinelli muses we have asked government to do more for us, and all thegovernment asks for in return is a little bit more of our liberty. Over thedecades, we kept asking. And because the courts and the politicians were alltoo happy to oblige, regardless of what the Constitution said, we no longerhave a federal government of limited powers. We have an overreaching centralgovernment — a government that seeks to plan and control virtually everyaspect of our lives and our economy, from health care, to energy, toautomobile manufacturing, to banking and insurance. Thankfully, though, in the last several years, people have woken up and arepushing back. With this pushback, we are seeing the idea of federalismreemerge. Cuccinelli asserts that people want to return to a government oflimited, enumerated powers, and an arrangement in which states serve as acheck when the federal government oversteps its constitutional bounds. In the current lawsuits brought by the states over health care and againstthe EPA, state governments are pushing back and reasserting federalism asthe Founders intended them to do. Indeed, Cuccinelli is not aware of a timein history when this many states have sued the federal government to rein inits power: Today, more than half are parties to lawsuits against the newhealth care act and its individual health insurance mandate. Virginia was the first state to argue in federal court that the new healthcare law is unconstitutional. When Cuccinelli brought the suit in March2010, most media outlets and many legal experts said he stood no chance. Onelaw professor said Cuccinelli's argument about constitutionality was, if notfrivolous, close to it. Another legal expert said Cuccinelli's case reliedon a controversial reading of the Constitution. Apparently, it iscontroversial to apply the Constitution as it was written. But back inDecember, when a federal judge ruled in Virginia's favor that the mandate isunconstitutional, assertions that Cuccinelli did not stand a chance fadedfast. Europeans consider the European Union null and void confederation, becausethey did not vote for any constitutional treaty! Eurokleptocrats pulled offthe biggest powergrab in history by imposing a camouflaged constitution,bypassing all nonos. The Nazi dream for Europe was finally fullfilled - einVolk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer - one people, one empire, one leader. TheLisbon Treaty is Eurokleptocracy's Pyrrhic victory. It created aconfederation, Fourth Reich, without a popular foundation. EU lackslegitimacy among Europeans. Eurokleptocrats created a situation where thecitizens of slave States live their lives with a resigned feeling that theEU project is not their own. VAT and kleptocracy are two good reasons to secede from Fourth Reich(EU)now. Vatstruck Fourthreichians are looking for a Moses to liberate them fromthe yoke of Brussels. They have to do it now, before a new imposed treatybetween Eurokleptocrats tie their hands forever. Californians and Texanswant to secede from USA, but Uncle Sam does not allow it. The same thingmight happen with Britons and Greeks. Infinite infinitesimal amendments totreaties might accumulate over time, leading to huge changes of originalintent, enslaving all Fourthreichians to Brussels forever!http://venitism.blogspot.com Greenland was the first country to secede from Fourth Reich. The LisbonTreaty introduces a secession clause. A slave State may notify theFourthreichian Council that it wishes to secede, upon which secessionnegotiations begin; if no other agreement is reached, the hateful LisbonTreaty ceases to apply to the seceding State two years after suchnotification.
The European Commission has opened two antitrust investigations concerning the Credit Default Swaps market. CDS are financial instruments meant to protect investors in the event a company or State they have invested in default on their payments. They are also used as speculative tools.
EU antitrust has been transformed into a terrorist religion, which relies on pseudoeconomic theories that bestow a veneer of objectivity and credibility on EU law enforcement practices that actually rely on hunch, whim, and blackmail. On all EU antitrust cases, from mergers to price fixing, arbitrary antitrust laws lead to ill-informed juries and bureaucratic abuse. Those laws also create a perverse incentive for entrepreneurs to hold down sales volume, stop innovation, and avoid improvements in price, quality, and service; otherwise, such entrepreneurs could become the next targets of the antitrust terrorists.
In the first case, the Commission will examine whether 16 investment banks and Markit, the leading provider of financial information in the CDS market, have colluded and/or may hold and abuse a dominant position in order to control the financial information on CDS. If proven such behaviour would be a violation of EU antitrust rules. In the second case, the Commission opened proceedings against 9 of the banks and ICE Clear Europe, the leading clearing house for CDS. Here, the Commission will investigate in particular whether the preferential tariffs granted by ICE to the 9 banks have the effect of locking them in the ICE system to the detriment of competitors.
Galileo muttered the phrase Eppur si muove, And yet it moves, after being forced to recant in 1633, before the Inquisition, his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun. Similarly the new inquisition of regulators force executives to admit something they did not do, in order to get smaller penalties. Eppur si muove!
European antitrust laws lead to huge corruption, because government officials ask for kickbacks in order to erase the alleged violation. The standard kickback in EU is 10% of the erased penalty! Many Greek officials were caught on tape asking for the corrupt tithe! Many European political parties make up their election expenses from kickbacks on antitrust cases! This is the worst possible blackmail, where tiptop ethical companies are held hostage by European kleptocrats. Eppur si muove!
The first investigation focuses on the financial information necessary for trading CDS. The Commission has indications that the 16 banks that act as dealers in the CDS market give most of the pricing, indices and other essential daily data only to Markit, the leading financial information company in the market concerned. This could be the consequence of collusion between them or an abuse of a possible collective dominance and may have the effect of foreclosing the access to the valuable raw data by other information service providers.
If proven, such behaviour would be in violation of EU antitrust rules (Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – TFEU). The 16 CDS bank dealers are: JP Morgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS, Wells Fargo Bank/Wachovia, Crédit Agricole and Societe Generale.
European antitrust law is wielded most often by favor-seeking businessmen and their kleptocrat allies. Instead of focusing on new and better products, disgruntled rivals try to exploit the law by consorting with kleptocrats. EU officials routinely direct antitrust regulators to bend the rules in pursuit of political ends. In reality, the threat of abusive EC power is far larger than the threat of oligopoly. Eppur si muove!
The probe will also examine the behaviour of Markit, a UK-based company created originally to enhance transparency in the CDS market. The Commission is now concerned certain clauses in Markit's licence and distribution agreements could be abusive and impede the development of competition in the market for the provision of CDS information.
The only viable definition of monopoly is a grant of privilege from the government. It therefore becomes quite clear that it is impossible for the government to decrease monopoly by passing punitive laws. The only way for the government to decrease monopoly is to remove its own monopoly grants. The antitrust laws, therefore, do not in the least diminish monopoly. What they do accomplish is to impose a continual, capricious harassment of efficient business enterprise.
In the second case, the Commission is investigating a number of agreements between nine of the above 16 CDS dealers (Bank of America Corporation, Barclays Bank plc, Citigroup Inc, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., JP Morgan Chase & Co, Morgan Stanley and UBS AG) and ICE Clear Europe. These agreements were concluded at the time of the sale, by the dealers, of a company called The Clearing Corporation to ICE.
They contain a number of clauses (preferential fees and profit sharing arrangements) which might create an incentive for the banks to use only ICE as a clearing house. The effects of these agreements could be that other clearing houses have difficulties successfully entering the market and that other CDS players have no real choice where to clear their transactions. If proven, the practice would violate Art 101.
The Commission will also investigate whether the fee structures used by ICE give an unfair advantage to the nine banks, by discriminating against other CDS dealers. This could potentially constitute an abuse of a dominant position by ICE in breach of Article 102.
There is an Antitrust Armageddon in Europe between tiptop companies and Fourth Reich(EU). Eurokleptocrats are willing to do anything in order to get kickbacks from industry leaders. The European antitrust laws have the unfortunate consequence of harming Europeans by chilling innovation and discouraging competition. Instead of protecting competition, EU laws protect competitors who give kickbacks to kleptocrats! Kickback is the lubricant that allows a European industry to run smoothly! No European machinery can run without lubricant! Eppur si muove!
When a company is forward-thinking, proactive, innovative, and productive, it will produce good products that customers want to buy. As a result, it will win a large market share. If the company is much better than its competitors, it might win most, or almost all, of the market. This is the case with Microsoft. It has earned its market share by producing good products that customers want to buy.
A company that wins a large market through its own productive efforts deserves accolades. This is because justice, morally, tells us that we must reward the good. However, to the government, a large market share is taken as evidence of anti-competitive behavior, which makes the company a target for antitrust action. This seems to be the motive behind the DOJ's suit against Microsoft.
To punish the good because it is good is the most vile inversion of justice conceivable. Yet this is the essence of antitrust, and this is exactly what the DOJ is doing to Microsoft. Microsoft is being targeted because it is good at its business, because it is successful, because it is competent. Nothing could be more unjust than this.
If you want to produce something in America or Fourth Reich, you'd better play the game. Contribute to politicians' campaigns, hire their friends, go hat in hand to a hearing, and apologize for your success. In a parasite economy no good deed goes unpunished for long. Kleptocrats, seeing an opportunity to extend their power and rake in some campaign cash and kickbacks, are circling like sharks. When executives don't show up when kleptocrats invite them, all it does is to increase kleptocrats' interest in what executives are doing and why they do not show up.
The economy is a good deal for people with connections. Executives are willing to invest money in kleptocrats, because they see opportunities in them. Executives see they can win things, that there's something to be gained. Washington and Brussels have become profit centers. All this reflects Depression-era criminal Willie Sutton's observation about robbing banks: That's where the money is.
Kleptocrats are costing trillions of euros and dollars every year. The brilliant minds of Silicon Valley and Redmond Washington, are going to waste time and energy on protecting their companies instead of thinking up new products and new ways to deliver them to consumers. Dragging smaller companies into the political swamps is just the latest diversion of West's productive resources into the unproductive world of political predation.
There is only one violator of Fourth Reich antitrust, and that's Fourth Reich itself, which does not allow VAT competition, fixing 15% floor of VAT and 25% ceiling of VAT!
When the Fourthreichian bank stress test results were made public in July of 2010, skepticism soon followed. http://venitism.blogspot.com After all, just seven of 91 banks failed, leading some to consider the tests a hoax. None of Ireland's banks failed. Yet Ireland floundered under the sheer expense of bailing out and reforming its financial system. We now know the stress tests were nothing more than a placebo for the market!
Central banks must be abolished. Money needs to be defined by the government, perhaps as a quantity of gold as in the past, a basket of commodities, or something else in order to make payments and collect taxes. Once money is defined, the private sector is perfectly capable of creating the necessary quantity of money, as it did before the advent of central banks.
The European Central Bank(ECB) declares:
* Euro area capital markets continued to increase in size in recent years, and cross-country differences in size declined.
* The worsening of the fiscal situation in some countries posed serious challenges to financial integration in 2010. The money and bond markets were particularly affected.
* The sharp divergence of yields in some European government bond markets reflected an increase in the perception of sovereign risks as well as liquidity risks, in some cases exacerbated by market overreaction.
* The euro area equity markets were less strongly affected by the recent developments. Most available indicators suggest that the equity market integration actually strengthened in 2010.
* The ECB Governing Council adopted several measures to support the smooth transmission of monetary policy and restore market confidence, and this had beneficial effects on market integration.
* National and European authorities also adopted several measures to support financial markets and individual intermediaries, while safeguarding competition. In some cases, these interventions may have induced a retrenchment of financial activities within national borders.
* The normalization of bank lending conditions is proceeding progressively albeit gradually. More convincing European solutions are needed in the area of crisis management and bank resolution arrangements.
* Looking ahead, the integration of bond and equity markets will benefit greatly from the launch of Target-2 Securities, the Eurosystem's pan-European securities settlement platform which is intended to come into operation in 2014.
ECB now purchases government bonds in emergencies. Not only has this been
prohibited until now, it also contradicts the central bank's overarching goal,
keeping the value of money stable. Now this taboo is broken, and the very
foundations of eurozone are eroded. ECB's independence' has now been shown to be
nothing more than a sham, a chimera, a will-o'-the-wisp. In the end, ECB and
euro will be punished for this decision to stand down from what had previously
been considered sacred.
This policy effectively makes ECB a bad bank, a bank that buys up toxic assets
as a means of helping out other institutions, all protestations of its president
to the contrary. The pile of junk bonds on the ECB's balance sheet continues to
grow. The fact that the ECB is keeping prices artificially high is downright
encouraging banks to unload their risky assets onto the central bank.
The European Central Bank has been buying up Greek bonds by the bucketload, even
though Athens is already getting money from an EU rescue fund. There is a
French plot behind the massive buy-up, as it gives French banks the perfect
opportunity to get rid of their Greek assets. German banks, on the other hand,
are not potential sellers, because they have made a voluntary commitment to
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to hold their Greek bonds until May 2013.
ECB is creating excess supply by buying at overinflated prices. In other words,
many creditors are more inclined to sell their risky assets to the central bank
under these terms. It's a free lunch. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of this
opportunity to get rid of his securities now only has himself to blame.
European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet calls for more effective
sanctions against countries violating eurozone's Stability and Growth Pact.
Trichet plays kangaroo, calling for a quantum leap of mutual control among
eurozone governments. ECB should not be listening to recommendations from
Kleptocrats are creating zombie banks and companies that are kept alive artificially. We started with a too-big-to-fail problem, and part of the policy response to the crisis has been
even more financial consolidation. JP Morgan took over Bear Stearns and Bank of
America took over Merrill Lynch. What we have now is financial institutions that
are even bigger. Those institutions, even more than before, know if they do
something very risky, something reckless, they will be bailed out again.
Play misty to me! Central banks play a confidence game with us. A confidence
game is defined as an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their
confidence. The victim is known as the mark, the trickster is called a
confidence man, and any accomplices are known as shills. Confidence men exploit
human characteristics such as greed, vanity, honesty, compassion, credulity, and
naivete. The common factor is that the mark relies on the good faith of the
confidence man.
Central bank's mission to instill confidence in us about the economy while
simultaneously instilling confidence in us about the abilities of the central
bank itself. Central bankers are almost always publically bullish and hardly
ever publically bearish about the economy. The economy always looks good, if not
great. If there are some problems, don't worry, the Fed will come to the rescue
with truckloads of money, lower interest rates, and easy credit. If things were
to get worse, which they won't, the Fed would be able to respond with monetary
weapons of mass stimulation.
Central bankers are the people who said that there was no housing bubble, that
there was no danger of financial crisis, and then that a financial crisis would
not impact the real economy. These are the same people who said they needed a
multitrillion dollar bailout of the financial industry, or we would get severe
trouble in the economy. They got their bailout, and we got the severe trouble
anyways. It is time to bring this game, this confidence game, to an end.
Central bank's artificial creation of credit is the culprit in the business cycle. As the boom turns into bust, the economy tries to readjust itself into a configuration that conforms to consumer preferences. That is why it is so essential for government to stay entirely out of the adjustment process, because arbitrary government behavior can only delay this necessary and healthy process. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Fourthreichian monetary unification is the Trojan horse for overall harmonization of economic rules, policies, and laws in Fourth Reich(EU). Any eurozone problem is interpreted as a consequence of the lack of harmonization and leads to another wave of a creeping harmonization. Following every crisis meeting with Napoleon Sarko, Chancellor Merkel always declares that coordinating tax policies and labor laws is not just about currency issues but also about political cooperation, which has to be deepened. In other words, more enslavement to Brussels, transforming the confederation to a federation! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Martin Hellwig, who has been chosen to chair the Advisory Scientific Committee of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), has warned about the increase of systemic risk in integrated financial markets for the last 20 years. The Eldorado of Corruption has initiated many excessive deficit procedures and consistently reminded Member States of structural reforms. But neither markets nor politics provided the necessary discipline to prevent the accumulation of these harmful imbalances.
Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Fourth Reich(EU), an unvoted illegal confederation, cannot protect Europeans from Eurokleptocrats, especially Graecokleptocrats, and police brutes, especially Graecocybercops. Fourthreichian Premier Barroso condones the disgusting Graecokleptocrats who accuse dissident bloggers of treason, confiscate their computers, and lock them is jail!
Eurocommissar Olli Rehn points out that it may have taken time, but eventually Fourth Reich has demonstrated its capacity and will to act on all fronts. Precisely one year ago, on 2 May 2010, the euro area agreed on the loan package to Greece in order to prevent a meltdown of our financial system. This has come with strict conditionality for fiscal and structural reforms.
The first step to recovery is accepting that you have a problem. In that case, it's welcome news to hear more and more Graecokleptocrats talking about the problems being brought on by runaway government spending and political corruption. But just as an addict who claims to be on the road to recovery bears watching, the real test comes after they've admitted there's a problem. Of course, some socialists are still in denial. Indeed, they'll even claim we're not spending enough and kickbacks are normal commissions of doing business with government! This is a particularly common cry from Graecokleptocrats and special interest groups that claim to represent the disenfranchised and the marginalized.
With the ESRB, for the first time a Fourth Reich body has been exclusively mandated to look at macro-financial stability, crossing the boundaries of micro-prudential supervision or monetary policy. The combination of very different actors (central bankers, supervisors, Commission, academics) of all Fourth Reich Member States should ensure much better knowledge of information, ideas and best practices. As a member of the ESRB Rehn sees this combination as one of its great assets.
Bankruptcy would be God's gift to the cradle of kleptocracy, because Greece needs a real shock and awe to recover from political corruption. And it looks like God will manifest his benevolence pretty soon! A bankruptcy will also bring the much needed revolution to get rid of Graecokleptocrats. The sooner Graecokleptocracy defaults, the better it will be for all concerned. The bigger the haircut, the worse the pain that follows. The damage being inflicted on Greece is very masochistic. When defaults within the eurozone are accepted, a sensible analysis about how to fix the euro can begin. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The ESRB warnings and recommendations can be addressed to Fourth Reichas a whole, to individual Member States, and to supervisory authorities. The identification of emergency situations is important also because, if confirmed by the Council, the micro-prudential authorities have some more direct powers (in contrast to the ESRB).
Bankruptcies involving higher haircuts are associated with significantly higher subsequent required returns and longer periods of capital market exclusion. The worse the losses inflicted on the bondholders, the more the markets will punish the defaulters, and the longer it will be before the defaulters could access the capital markets again. Greece's debt increases like cancer. Delay isn't an option. It would be better off to impose a 40% loss on bondholders this year than a 70% loss in 2013.
Rehn notes the ESRB has non-binding powers. But he has proposed a policy framework as part of the economic governance package, namely the Excessive Imbalances Procedure, whereby imbalances and macro-financial risks can be addressed – and even sanctioned – at Fourth Reich level. Achieving consistency with the ESRB is an obvious challenge of which we are fully aware, and Rehn is confident these two analytical instruments can be made mutually reinforcing and thus help us to prevent harmful imbalances in the future.
The stupid Marilizardist government of Graecokleptocracy is still siphoning in all the money with huge taxes and VAT, and Graecokleptocrats still demand kickbacks, which will only depress the economy further. You can't just cut your way out of this crisis while continuing political corruption. At some point, the Greek economy needs to start growing again. But this cannot happen in a depressed kleptocracy. Greece should bow to the inevitable, put some Graecokleptocrats in jail, announce a 40% haircut on its debt, drastically cut taxes, especially VAT, and impose a four-year suspension of interest payments on what remains outstanding.
With the money saved on debt repayment, Greece could start restructuring its economy, putting demand back into the system, and focusing on creating competitive export industries. Fourthreichians could stop fighting a losing battle to rescue Graecokleptocracy from default and start concentrating instead on how to make the eurozone work better. There is no point in drawing out the agony of defeat any longer. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
In the present juncture, financial stability is safeguarded by the stability mechanisms and by the actions that the vulnerable countries are taking. But some people argue that the crisis management strategy with regard to Greece in particular is failing.
Rehn disagrees with this analysis. The aim of the strategy has been to prevent repeating a cardiac arrest in the financial market that followed the failure of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. Rehn has done that, and this has safeguarded the ongoing recovery in the real economy.
Secondly, the Eldorado of Corruption has been able to largely contain the distress in the sovereign debt markets to three more vulnerable countries, Greece, Ireland and Portugal. As seen in the bond spreads, Spain is decoupling from these three countries, thanks to its determined policy action in fiscal, financial and structural fronts.
Thirdly, the programmes in both Greece and Ireland are still in early stages. Both countries have started very ambitious fiscal consolidation programmes, structural reforms and financial sector restructuring. Eldorado of Corruption's analyses show that the debt-to-GDP ratios stabilize and start to decline, on the condition that the programmes are fully implemented.
Rehn notes the proponents of debt restructuring seem to ignore the potentially devastating financial stability implications for Greece itself and the euro area as a whole. Rehn asserts that debt restructuring is not part of our strategy and will not be.
April 15: Global Tax Revolt Day
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Parliament of Whores: Congress of USA
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Eldorado of Corruption: European Commission
Fourth Reich: European Union
Fourthreichians: Citizens of Fourth Reich
OLAF, Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude: Fourthreichian Anti-Fraud Office
Europol: Fourthreichian Criminal Intelligence Agency
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
Digital Eurocommissar Neelie Kroes's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Kroes! Marilizardism, terrorizing dissident bloggers, is the cancer of cyberspace. http://venitism.blogspot.com Greece is a deranged Marilizardist country that has been transformed from the cradle of democracy to the cradle of kleptocracy, has a parliament of 300 hookers, forty ministers who are in power to get kickbacks and terrorize dissident bloggers, schools that brainwash kids to hate Turks, brutal cybercops, and hoi polloi addicted to iconolatry, nepotism, jingoism, acrimony, vanity, and statism.
Kroes launched today the first phase of a €600 million public-private partnership on the Internet of the Future (FI-PPP). The partnership will support innovation in Europe and help businesses and governments to develop internet solutions that will be capable of managing the exponential increase in online data.
While so far we have experienced the Internet of connected computers, and connected people, the Internet is now going mobile and it will connect a whole range of machines and objects. The current Internet is simply not capable of managing these future data streams, nor is it able to provide the desired accuracy, resilience and safety.
The partnership will explore eight areas where this data revolution could spur innovation and jobs in the mobile, software and service industries. The European Commission has made available € 300 million in funding over 5 years, with Europe's research organizations, public sector and industry committing an equal amount to this PPP. Projects launched today will together receive €90 million in EU funding (to be matched by other project partners). Boosting and focussing the EU's research, development and innovation efforts is a key element of the Digital Agenda for Europe.
Kroes projects the internet economy will be growing to 5.8% of GDP, or almost € 800 billion, by 2014. But we are only at the beginning of the internet era. Europe must mobilise all its talent to keep ahead in this sector, not only to ensure Europe's future competitiveness and to unlock European creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, but also to safeguard European values like privacy, openness, and diversity. Kroes asserts that we should use public finances in a smart way to leverage industry investment - if we don't invest and innovate first, our global competitors will.
The freakish government of Greece, October-18 mafia, robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from October-18 mafiosi, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen persona data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Internet data traffic is growing by 60% every year. We already rely on the Internet to deliver many essential services. New services in the areas of mobility, energy saving, healthcare, and governance will spur the development of new applications that we have not yet imagined.
To grab this opportunity and to ensure Europe's future competitiveness, the European Commission has committed to a FI-PPP which will address a number of key challenges that currently hold back Internet development in Europe.
Today 152 pioneering organizations have undertaken to use this partnership to build Europe's Internet of the future. Private companies, research organisations and the public sector have committed to match the EU's funding of €90 million for the first phase of the programme. This is the first part of a total €300 million EU contribution to the 5-year PPP. The initiative builds upon existing EU-funded research and works with partners at national and regional level to develop new technologies, services and business models for the Internet of the future. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
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ΛΑ.Ο.Σ. Χανιά : http://www.facebook.com/laos.xania .-
*Chinese inflation for April was 5.3 percent, slightly higher than expected but lower than a 32-month high in March of 5.4 percent. This underlines expectations that price pressures are peaking and would start to ease in the second half of 2011.
China is the world's second largest economy after the United States. It is the world's fastest-growing major economy, with average growth rates of 10% for the past 30 years. China is also the largest exporter and second largest importer of goods in the world. China became the world's top manufacturer in 2011, surpassing the United States. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
The annual growth rates for industrial output and retail sales eased more than expected, backing the view that the heady 10-percent plus pace of economic growth last year is calming. Food prices, the main driver of overall inflation, fell 0.4 percent in April from March and were up 11.5 percent from a year earlier. Non-food prices rose 0.4 percent in April from March.
Many commentators claim that the private sector dominates the Chinese economy. Unfortunately, the private sector hardly dominates the Chinese economy. If anything does, it's the state again. Derek Scissors points out there have been important changes in the state sector. It has shrunk and operates very differently than it did just 15 years ago. During the 1990s, state assets were sold off, sometimes replaced by genuinely private firms.
Scissors notes privatization met serious political opposition. In response, during the 2000s, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) were instead converted into shareholding entities, many of which sold stock in Shanghai, Hong Kong or elsewhere. These shareholding firms took on some characteristics of true commercial businesses.
Those seeing a dominant private sector often mix up such shareholding firms with private firms. Neither specifying shareholders nor selling stock necessarily alters the fact of state control. The large majority of firms listed on domestic stock markets are state-owned.
Scissors asserts that restructuring was specifically crafted to change SOEs while steering far clear of privatization. This goal was driven home earlier this year by Wu Bangguo, second in the Communist Party hierarchy, who scorned privatization as almost as unacceptable as another party holding office.
Using official Chinese data, the state share of investment in 2010 was 38%, suggesting to some that the private share was 62%. False. What the PRC calls the private sector, plus wholly foreign-owned firms, generated only 24% of investment. The remainder is attributable to mixed ownership.
The vast majority of these mixed firms are designated as limited liability corporations. The term implies privatization, but the subcategories — wholly state-owned and non-wholly state-owned — indicate that the incorporation has not automatically ended state ownership.
Scissors points out SOEs enjoy some amazing advantages over truly private firms. In 2006, China's Cabinet identified sectors where the state must lead, a powerful guarantee. Included were power, telecom and aviation. And in practice, the state dominates many other sectors, including banking, railways and media.
There are other perks as well. SOEs have immediate call on land, while some private firms cannot buy at any price. SOEs receive state bank loans with no borrowing costs and possibly voluntary repayment. Party cadres routinely shuttle between government posts and SOEs, ensuring top-level political access. As it turns out, the largest firms receiving these benefits — e.g., Sinopec and Bank of China — are limited liability corporations. These are far better classified as state-owned than as private.
Profit data reported by SOEs are unreliable, but the money seems to be rolling in. China National Petroleum and China Mobile together claim profits greater than those of the top 500 private firms combined. State entities make 95% of investments in outside bonds. SOEs were pruned back before, and it could happen again. But it wouldn't be easy, because SOEs can now strongly oppose such a move.
Some SOEs have become gigantic. Top banks, telecoms and oil companies rank among the world's largest. They provide the government with much of its revenue, and generate massive employment — the explicit state share of urban employment is well over half. They are also run by high-level party cadres or their children. No wonder the foreign share of investment in China has plummeted. In most sectors, the Chinese market is only what's left after the SOEs take the bulk. Subsidies for SOEs are far larger barriers to American goods than the notorious currency peg.
Scissors points out the policy challenge facing Washington and Brussels is that China's overinvestment and underconsumption help cause bilateral imbalances. The PRC touts rebalancing in the new five-year plan, just as it has done since 2004. But matters have only worsened, and for a reason: rebalancing would undermine SOEs. The PRC overinvests to ensure that SOEs remain dominant, despite their inefficiency. To pay for that overinvestment, consumption is taxed through controlled interest rates and by suppressing competition. To rebalance, Beijing will have to curb SOEs. That would be in the interests of foreign investors. But it would be stridently opposed among China's ruling elite. For now, private-sector dominance of China's economy is a fiction.
China now tries to dominate the Fourth Reich(EU)market through Greece. Chinese
officials love Premier Papandreou of Greece, who is also the President of
Socialist International. Greek assets are now sold at bargain prices, because
Greece will go for bankruptcy soon. China can easily buy most Greek assets.
China has already bought the Port of Piraeus, a strategic investment for the
transportation of Chinese goods to Fourth Reich. Chinese can easily manipulate Graecokleptocrats with kickbacks! http://venitism.blogspot.com/
* Greece's two main unions, GSEE and ADEDY hold a 24-hour strike today to protest Marilizardist Graecokleptocracy. The impunity of the 300 Graecokleptocrats of the Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth. Even though they looted many billion euros in kickbacks and churning, not a single Graecokleptocrat has ever gone to jail! They are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers. It's a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas! Allons enfants de la Grece!
Public sector workers closed down museums, ministries, schools as well as radio and television stations; flights and ferry services are grounded across the miserable Greece. Marilizardist Graecokleptocrats are the #1 enemy of the Greek people. That's why they are scared to walk on the streets of Athens. They know Athenians will attack them! Kleptocracy, Marilizardism, perjury, and cybercop brutality are galloping in Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich, but Premier George Papandreou of October-18 infamy, Merciless Marilizard's boss, speaks no evil, hears no evil, and sees no evil. Selective hearing is a symptom of the cancer of kleptocracy!
The freakish government of Greece, October-18 mafia, robs computers and terrorizes the blogosphere! Why on Earth Durao Barroso, Neelie Kroes, Viviane Reding, and Cecilia Malmstroem of the European Commission cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats? If Fourth Reich(EU) cannot protect Greeks from October-18 mafiosi, who will? Greek dissident bloggers want back their stolen computers, their stolen files, their stolen persona data, and their stolen lives. Restitution is a basic right in a civil society. Brutal Graecocybercops should be abolished now. http://venitism.blogspot.com/
Fourth Reich's Economic Affairs Commissioner, Olli Rehn asserts Fourth Reich would have to wait for the findings from a review of Greek austerity measures before any assessment of whether or not to restructure the country's debt or provide a new economic bailout could be made. Barroso's nightmare is the freakish Greek government, October-18 mafia, which persecutes innocent dissident bloggers, using the cybercops as a political tool. Cry Barroso!
Auditors from Fourth Reich, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund are carrying out a scheduled check of Athens' finances, the results of which are likely to be released in June. Greece will weather some of its immediate financing problems but it cannot
reduce the size of its debt Olympus. Restructuring for Greek bonds is
inevitable. The motivation for bankruptcy would be to limit the financial
exposure and to incentivise the Greek government to stick to the current
objective of generating a sizable primary surplus by 2014.
Greece needs a drastic overhaul of the terms of last year's 110 billion euro bailout and Athens may need a completely new bailout to stay afloat. Greece could abandon the euro altogether, giving up the eurozone's common currency. Bankruptcies involving higher haircuts are associated with significantly higher subsequent required returns and longer periods of capital market exclusion. The worse the losses inflicted on the bondholders, the more the markets will punish the defaulters, and the longer it will be before the defaulters could access the capital markets again. Greece's debt increases like cancer. Delay isn't an option. It would be better off to impose a 40% loss on bondholders this year than a 70% loss in 2013.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of the key players in brokering the original international bailout for Greece last year, echoed Rehn's sentiment about drawing premature conclusions on Greece: We don't do Greece any favors if we speculate.I am of the opinion that the conclusions to be drawn from the findings must await the findings.
My heart belongs to Athens
Fair city of Venitis
Plato and Socrates
The city is so pretty.
The goddess Athena
From Parthenon watches
The liberty's arena
The city of wonders.
Give me Basil as a spice
Full of liberty and might
Real taste in my life
B. Venitis bring me light.
April 15: Global Tax Revolt Day
October 18: International Day Against Cybercop Brutality
October-18 Mafia: Government of Greece
Parliament of Whores: Congress of USA
Grand Brothel on Syntagma Square: Parliament of Greece
Eldorado of Prostitutes: European Parliament
Eldorado of Corruption: European Commission
Fourth Reich: European Union
Fourthreichians: Citizens of Fourth Reich
OLAF, Office de Lutte Anti-Fraude: Fourthreichian Anti-Fraud Office
Europol: Fourthreichian Criminal Intelligence Agency
Marilizardism: terrorizing dissident bloggers
«Η Καστροπολιτεία της Κορώνης κατά τη διάρκεια της Βενετοκρατίας»
*Κεντρική ομιλία της εκπαιδευτικού Δήμητρας Γαϊτάνη-Συρεγγέλα στην εκδήλωση
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